Thursday, November 12, 2015

Infallibility: Leading people astray

One of the most worrisome ideas in many different religious thoughts is the notion of infallibility meaning that either someone or a group of people are free from all error even if they commit an error it has no barren on them due to their special position with God. My main concern is that this notion of perfection is not found in any of the scriptures it most importantly leads people away from the worship and admiration of the One God. It is a trick of the lower self or the devil if you will to place an idol in front of All Merciful Creator.
In reading the Tanakh, Gospels and Quran nowhere does God declare anyone perfect, without sin or blemish this may seem hard to for many Christians but even Jesus is not considered a perfect role model when he himself says: Why do you call me good do you not know that it is God in Heaven who is good? In fact throughout the Scriptures our Heavenly Father always calls those deemed imperfect, flawed, hopeless, and in some cases not even liked people to bare his message. Now some may want to argue that this is not so but all the Prophets of God had some flaw one way or another. Some could barely talk, others were womanizers, some cast offs but this is whom God calls because they are the perfect example of Gods benevolence. God wants us to know that we too can do what these men have done that they are not above us or out of reach. They are picked precisely because they are marked by something.
This tells us a great deal about God in many ways the first it tells us is that God wants all of us to harkens unto him regardless of obstacles we place before ourselves, or that of society. He is calling the entire world to enjoy this life and eternity so he sent imperfect messengers to deliver his perfect message of repentance and of the consequences of our own folly. For too long have people placed various teachers and organizations on pedestals. For way too long have people believed that they needed someone or something to go through to reach our Master of the Universe. These notions are in direct contradiction of all the scriptures because people have bent them to mean what they really were never meant to mean whether it be about sacrifice in Ancient Israel, the meaning of Jesus life, death and teachings, and the life of Muhammad who God says he is just a man who die like all other men die. None of them were meant to be more than a delivery system for God to use and deliver his Good News.
When we say or believe that someone or something is infallible we are doing a disservice not only to ourselves, our children, our colleges but we are doing a disservice to God because God wants us all to know that he is Creator of all, Judge of all and in the hearts of all no exceptions. When you raise someone or something else up believing you are less than you robe yourself of the beauty and the calmness of our Father. His and it is Him alone that can save us, illuminate us, guide us on the straight path no one else, nothing else can. You can bless the angels, the prophets, say certain prayers it is useless because they can do nothing for you except expose you on the day of Judgment.
  This concept of a perfect being or intermediary is a left over ideal from those pagan times that we must shed if we are to come into the fullness of God that is to have Unity with God. That is what life is about Unity with God to be at peace with our Father and with ourselves if you believe you cannot achieve this then you are destroying your own soul.
All one needs to do is find a quiet place relax and open themselves up to the channels of Heaven and you will feel His presence as you have been guided to do so in your various scriptures. Do this and you will find everlasting peace.

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