As I listen to the news, read the papers I have to laugh to myself over this Black and Blue Lives Matter only because it's an obvious smoke screen to protect the oppressive police force while lulling the poor (predominately so-called Black) back into controlled slumber. Have we forgotten why the police were finally attacked?
Ever since the 1980's by and large the police have been waging war of harassment, intimidation, brutality, and basic savagery against the average American citizen. They stopped serving and protecting the people (unless you were rich) and started abusing the power that was bestowed on them by the general public. These abuses continue to this very moment of writing and will be happening while you read this post. These men and women in blue were behaving as if they were martial law, the average citizen for the most part copped through gritted teeth and frustration actually giving these cops the benefit of the doubt in almost every case. Most people do what they can to stay clear of these "Upholders of Justice".
Since this undeclared war started back in the late 1980's cops have been allowed and encouraged to brutalize any person they deemed worthy of a good ol' boy ass kicking. They mostly targeted minority groups through the "War on Drugs" campaign that in reality did nothing to stop or prevent anyone from buying, selling, and taking drugs in the United States. In many states drug use have been rising at an alarming rate since the "War on Dugs" was introduced. Under George W. Bush and Barack Obama we have seen a steady increase in the inhumane treatment that many Americans suffer under these protectors. The police are responsible for numerous crimes that include ignoring state constitution laws, all the way to sexual assault. When cops get "caught" they are either thrown off the police force for a while but then allowed back on the force, moved to another town or city, or simply allowed to stay at home while getting paid. Even after they have killed a couple of innocent men they are still not suffering the way we would if we did the same crimes.
As I have noted the cops brutal reign has only gotten worse. They have killed innocent lives who were not resisting arrest, nor posed any threat to the officers. Ounce this boundary was crossed it no longer became an undeclared war but declaration of war, the very declaration that many people whether they be in gangs or not were waiting for. As we saw that declaration was quickly accepted and met by cops being killed. Now the cops are realizing that this is war they might not be able to win or at best contain now they want a truce. Now they want to talk about Peace and Unity, unfortunately the cat is out of the bag, I don't see a quick end. The cops have to understand that because of how they treated people over these years that even people who would be allies are turning away. This is in the truest since a hole that they have dug themselves in.
During all the these years of mistreating people did the rich or politicians ever lift a finger to help the poor? The middle-class? Anyone? No, not until the cops started getting killed now they too want Peace, with platitudes, empty of any real emotion just the hope that people will buy into the lies they spew. The rich don't care about the cops because the rich, the elite, view everyone who isn't part of the "Club" as a mere object for them to use as they see fit and toss out when they have no more use for them. The reason, the real reason why these elitists are offering these words is because they know that if people are no longer afraid to shoot cops then what's to stop people from attacking them? They don't want to pay the price for the crimes they have committed either. Even now they are scheming to pool the wool over the eyes of the people.This is what they have done in the past and this is what they will always try to do. It's a historical fact!
Real change can only occur via a revolution of the people and by the people but even in revolutions the elitist always manage to sneak in and stay in control. The American revolution is the most clear cut case of Elitist stealing the thunder of the peoples movement (of course the majority of the people also didn't want the revolution) placing themselves in the role of hero when they have only ever been traitors both to the cause and spirit of real revolution. The new guard is usually nothing more than the old guard in new clothes.
Cops, if they are to redeem themselves need to understand that the elite will betray them first, the second the fire gets too hot they will be gone. Even politicians are not with them and will betray them also.
If things are to be averted, if all out war is to cease, it is the police that must make the effort to restore themselves as the Servants of the People. They need to take a look back on the role they use to play on society and be that role again. Help the old ladies cross the road, get the cats out of the trees, because if they are to remain relevant they must always remind themselves that it is the average person that allows them whatever power they may have. It is the average people that make it so they can pay the bills, have a house, and raise a family. They need to treat people with respect and dignity in order to gain the trust of the everyday joe ounce more.
Of course people may conclude that police are not really needed at all. They are an archaic oddity of the past that serves little if any benefit. Cops have never stopped any crimes from happening and they solve even fewer. These men and women in Ford's could be done away with and society would barely feel the bump. The average person would be much better in a society where everyone is responsible for wherever they live and every person bares arms. Then you would see a real decline in crime of all kinds. It is unfortunate that most people are not forward thinking enough to see through the lies that politicians feed them and the government at large. People don't need to be protected by an Alien force they could and would do a better job without such a force.
Again, Think who and why people are pushing certain agendas, what's the catch? In most cases it's to make you (the American Citizen) dependent on them (Central government) they tell you scary stories of the boogie man, show you halloween depiction of life and you can either buy it or call it the bluff you know it to be. All People need is People without power hungry fools who abuse the world simply because they are allowed to by the complacency of the majority.
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