Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Poetry Can never Die

Poetry Never Dies-
It lives on and on,
leaping from,
One augmented mind to another,
leaving a long trail of-
tears and words and glorious raptures,
tears and words and addicts,
they manifest into beauty,
manifest into something ugly,
they become what is deep within.

Poetry Never Dies-
Eternally existing as a,
churning the brain,
vibrating the monkey box,
strange sounds turn into wonder,
primitive grunts into artistic expressions,
of God,
of Love,
of the mysteries of being human.

Don't slander yourself,
thinking that poetry is dead.

Don't limit yourself,
into boxes of good or bad,
or Dada,
or Classical,
or Nerf balls on a tin can.

Expression is a thing,
everyone, everything, can and does,
every sentence is art in motion,
every idea is a revelation.

Poetry can never die-

It is the Chaos of Order,
the bountiful and the bleakness,
It is a living soul,
sharing itself with other souls,
allow we flesh to peak behind,
the veil of the Holies of Holies,

Poetry can never die-

It reveals to us what we,
dare not speak,
that is of our own inner,

Poetry can never die
Never Die
It is the eye,

that allows us,

to see,

the I n I.

©2017 Abdul Batin Bey

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