Monday, December 21, 2015

Anarchist City

 One of the main problems within the Anarchist community is that besides the Internet, a few squatters, and various communes hiding either deep in the woods or out in the boondocks there just isn’t a visible sign of anywhere. Sure you can read articles, manifestos, read books about what it would be like if we lived in an Anarchist Society, play video games were you can artificially live out the dream but for the vast majority of the populace Anarchism is just a Utopian pie that they either laugh at or simply shrug it off without much thought.

Anarchism as a whole has been giving a pretty bad reputation due to the overwhelming presence of the alternatives. Communist, Socialists, Capitalists, and even Fascists all agree on one topic and that’s there hatred for Anarchy. All three have spread lies, rumors, and consider it to be the death nail of civilization. Besides having some great writers and activists who may get in the spot light talking up the merits of Anarchy it has yet to catch on. Even when Anarchists helped various labor parties in the past, joined in civil wars, been beating, lynched, and lord knows what else may have happened the movement is still looked at as a fanatical fantasy that may be alright on paper but would never last in the real world. It is this precise attitude that we need to combat and the easiest way to combat this attitude is to develop our own town and cities. This is the only way that people in the wider population will come to understand the Black Banner.

If Anarchists are not willing to make a visible step forward in a more dramatic way a more noticeable way with the intent of sustainability then what good is being an Anarchist? I know you can point to various communes in the past and even now and talk up how they were brought down by the idiotic governments as some sort of vindication. The truth is even those more known to isolated parts of the world and to freedom fighters are again not known to the public and the ones that do know about them only proves to them that Anarchy has no real merit.

The reason why I entitled this article Anarchist City is because that is a definite way to get people talking, also it would be a place for Anarchists to actually live out there philosophy on a real scale. Communes tend to be small much more easier to contain but a city would give Anarchists every possible pro and con that will allow them to work and grow.
Ina city you have to deal with food, trash, possibly crime, and a whole host of possibilities. In a city without cops for real who will keep the streets clean? Who will farm; mine the stores (if stores even exist) so on and so forth.

Some of these have obvious answers like who will keep the streets clean is easy everybody because everyone will be armed in an Anarchist city. With no authority will people actually pull their own weight or will it simply be flushed down the drain?

Many Anarchists in the past and present had many ideas of how to run an Anarchist Society and how it would spread all over the world creating a better not perfect world. So why not do it? Have a place were there is no authority, no money, no property ownership, individual and communal rights where they are expressed through living them out.

I am one of those Anarchists who believe that it can be done and must be done if the movement is to have any real future. Otherwise the movement will only exist in dream states being nothing more than a mental exercise.

One obstacle that could impede this expedition is the fact that the Anarchist movement is extremely splintered so it might be in the best interest of everyone if the cities were to be declared what sort of Anarchist community they would intend to be that will reduce the amount of in house fighting. Examples would be Anarcho-Communist would have their own City, Anarcho-Sybndalicist, etc etc. I would even suggests that Anarcho- Pacifists to have there own city as well. I know some people belong to more than one school so you would have to decide which one speaks to you more clearly of course if it doesn’t pan out you could always leave and try a different Anarchist city. The only ones who I would exempt from this would be the Primitivisms since they don’t want to live in a City or town anyways. But all the other forms of Anarchy who talk about forming a society, a brotherhood of man now would be the time to do it.

So come one come all lets build us a city and show these bastards how its done.

copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016

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