The Grey Jedi seems to be
the only real and true Jedi that exist. Both the Sith and the Jedi are
extremists and in some ways are both a threat to the stability of the universe.
I count myself as a Grey Order Jedi because it is truly all about balance.
Without balance there is nothing but suffering and denial. The second you deny
your own emotions you become nothing more than a prisoner of an illusion that
yourself created. To absorb yourself fully in emotion especially anger and
hatred you become a prisoner to a different illusion. Both are forms of
illusion that alter the mind, the state of your self and even the flow of the
force. You may become strong with the force, you may even become a great Master
of the force with abilities to raise the dead, resurrect your own body and even
create new life. But without a true balance understanding of the force
everything you do is flawed being set for only a brief moment.
Those of us who have come
to the realization that both the Jedi and the Sith operate with a flawed and
personal understanding of the force (despite what Jedi say they do have an
investment in there view of the force seeking to control it). The Grey Order
knows that concepts of good and evil, Order and Chaos, are simply concepts but
have a place within the Force. Both must exist in otherwise all of creation
would come to nigh. This is where both the Jedi and the Sith fail both believe
that the Force should be used and flow in one current whereas we accept both
currents of natural/spiritual existence. We uphold the balance of the force to
the best of our abilities. Only by maintaining the balance will the Force be
able to correctly direct the universe.
There are some among you
who believe we of the Grey Order are heretic’s maybe this is because you are
afraid of the truths we espouse or maybe you are blinded by your own pride.
Pride the word which one abstains and the other relishes. You may even accuse
us of the same thing and we accept and expect your objections to our existence.
None of the less both camps do come to us to learn as we go to you to learn.
The Grey Order has no enemies except those who declare us to be there enemies.
May the Force be with you
Abdul Batin Osman Bey
The Grey Jedi seems to be the only real and
true Jedi that exist. Both the Sith and the Jedi are extremists and in some
ways are both a threat to the stability of the universe. I count myself as a
Grey Order Jedi because it is truly all about balance. Without balance there is
nothing but suffering and denial. The second you deny your own emotions you
become nothing more than a prisoner of an illusion that yourself created. To
absorb yourself fully in emotion especially anger and hatred you become a
prisoner to a different illusion. Both are forms of illusion that alter the
mind, the state of your self and even the flow of the force. You may become
strong with the force, you may even become a great Master of the force with
abilities to raise the dead, resurrect your own body and even create new life.
But without a true balance understanding of the force everything you do is
flawed being set for only a brief moment.
Those of us who have come to the realization
that both the Jedi and the Sith operate with a flawed and personal
understanding of the force (despite what Jedi say they do have an investment in
there view of the force seeking to control it). The Grey Order knows that
concepts of good and evil, Order and Chaos, are simply concepts but have a
place within the Force. Both must exist in otherwise all of creation would come
to nigh. This is where both the Jedi and the Sith fail both believe that the
Force should be used and flow in one current whereas we accept both currents of
natural/spiritual existence. We uphold the balance of the force to the best of
our abilities. Only by maintaining the balance will the Force be able to
correctly direct the universe.
There are some among you who believe we of
the Grey Order are heretic’s maybe this is because you are afraid of the truths
we espouse or maybe you are blinded by your own pride. Pride the word which one
abstains and the other relishes. You may even accuse us of the same thing and
we accept and expect your objections to our existence. None of the less both
camps do come to us to learn as we go to you to learn. The Grey Order has no enemies
except those who declare us to be there enemies.
May the Force be with you
Abdul Batin Osman Bey
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