Sunday, July 31, 2016


Amber bubbles
Rising in my glass
To the thick head
Lost in illusion
Influenced by the idle
Nothing becomes accomplished

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Green and White: The essence of Islamic Anarchism

(flag design by Ammer Ishad Ali, Muslim Anarchist Flag)

Islamic Anarchist may seem like a contradiction in terms to many people sort of like Islamic punk because after all how can an overtly oppressive religion have any sort of free thinkers or radicals right? Wrong, people who make such claims about Islam are usually from outside the movement with lack of historical knowledge beyond propaganda that is consistently being proven wrong such as "Islam was spread by the Sword" myth. Others who may have been on the inside are most likely unaware that they are critical not of Islam but of the culture they grew up in. Many people in the Islamic community really believe that the culture they grew up in is one percent Islamic and that all the rules come from the Qur'an, though it's a lovely though it's one percent inaccurate. Sure many populations adopted Islam as a religion but very few got rid of the baggage that came before Islam or due to colonization had to adapt to outside forces. No country on earth is one hundred percent Islamic just like no country on earth is one percent Christian, Judaic (that includes Israel), or any other religious system despite what people may be led to believe.

 This is not going to go through every minute detail about Islam and Anarchism and how they are perfect for one another, lots of other websites do that but instead I will try to show the essence of Islamic Anarchism by showing what they all have in common. Just like Islam and Anarchism are not monolithic ideas neither is Islamic Anarchy, some are pacifists, some are more mystical, some have social ideas, while others lean towards primitivism. Having said that they all share some basic ideas that I believe make up the very essence, the very backbone of the this movement that is needed to make it a long lasting presence in the world both in the west and the east.

 Akin to Christian Anarchists Islamic Anarchists are in one way or another based on theocratic principles. There is no god but Allah, and Submission to Allah means that the individual person has every right to question, not to adhere to, any authority that is not God. All other forms of authority are viewed with suspicion and in many cases as usurper's of Gods role. This is not saying that all forms of authority are demonic but it insists that all authority that is not God must prove that they are legitimate and necessary in order to have the cooperation of the people, if this legitimacy cannot be provided then they should be ousted. The second a Tyrant takes the helm the tyrant should be overthrown. 

 Many Islamic Anarchists insist on the ability that humans do not need an intermediary between themselves and the divine. This is actually an Islamic principle that each individual has the ability to use their own reasoning to decide not only how they should live but also what the scripture says. This does not mean that all Clerics are evil but it does mean they can give an opinion but that's all they can do. The authority that clerics hold will be done away with because too many people believe what clerics say over the Qur'an, many clerics like Priests and other religious leaders never teach the whole truth about Islam or the Qur'an but certain truths in order to maintain power over the minds of the populace. In the Islamic Anarchist community you have the ability to use your own mind without someone telling you how it should be. 

Critical of Anarchism itself
 One of the refreshing aspects of Islamic Anarchists is not only do they critique Governments, Religious institutions and other forms of authority but they also critique the Anarchist Movement itself from the classical period to the current. This process I believe will always allow Anarchism to grow into new directions that many would not think of if they are stuck in the mold of a certain thought. Along with this is self-evaluation both as individuals and as a whole. Islamic Anarchist are the first to point out the flaws of there own movement but also work on how to correct these flaws. If you do a google search this is evident in the writings of each Muslim Anarchist that not only builds on what came before but also critiques and moves in a direction that may or may not have been intended but would be better for the community as a whole.

 Just like Islam is a communal based religion Islamic Anarchism is a Communal based society. No one is better than the next person, everyone is on the level.

 No one is or should be forced to do anything so all aspects of society should be done in a voluntary manner. This is how it was when Muhammad (pbu) was alive and in many ways the Medina Constitution reflects certain ideas that are common in the Islamic Anarchist Movement. Voluntarism is a basis of the Movement because the Prophet did not force people to accept his way of life neither will the Islamic Anarchist Movement.

 The Movement accepts others as they are and other movements as they are and are not out to change what others think nor convert to their religion. They accept that they will coexist with Atheist, Christians, Jews, Hindus, and even Capitalists (as well as Communist).

Property is Theft
 Since Allah is the Owner and Creator of the world Property cannot be owned. It can be used, it can be shared, but it cannot be possessed and passed down from individual to individual. This illusion that you can own Property is seen as one of the biggest flaws not only in society but in human development as a whole. It is true that the early Muslim community operated under the idea of property it was also understood that people can be nothing more than care takers of the property but God is ultimate ruler.
 This aspect ties into the Communal nature where most if not all things are shared for the benefit of everyone in the community. This does not mean that boundaries will not exist certainly if an Anarchist state is formed it will need a boundary, but those within the state will live out the Communal aspect.

Self Defense
 You and the community has a right to defend itself from outside and inside power hungry usurpers. Offensive attack is not accepted in this Movement.

Judicial System
 Unclear to exactly what this entails it is agreed that some sort of Judicial system may be needed in order to safe guard the individuals within the community and from the community becoming an authoritative state. 

 Most Islamic Anarchists uphold a Moneyless state, stating all the usual rhetoric of other moneyless socials do.

Neither Sunni nor Shiite nor Sufi
 Though many Anarchists come from a certain background be it Sunni, Shiite, or Sufi the aim of Islamic Anarchists is to get rid of all divisions seeing them as decisive and keeping the Community in achieving real and lasting unity. How one wants to pray is an individualistic choice and people should not fight over past historical issues but make peace with them. Ultimately Islamic Anarchists would like to see a time when those who embrace Islam are simply Muslims and that all divisions are done away with as it was in the time of Muhammad (pbu). In this case many can say that Islamic Anarchists are the true upholders of the original intent of Islam itself. 

Many have compared Islamic Anarchism to Islam Hadhari, a progressive movement that was started in 1957 that was founded by Tunku Abdul Rahman. Though many aspects of both movement parallel one another and often times converge the one critique of Islam Hadhari by Islamic Anarchists is that Islam Hadhari stil operates under the need for a centralized government were as Islamic Anarchists do not think a centralized government is needed.

As I have said before this is not a case by case but an overview of the essence of the Islamic Anarchist movement.

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Anarchist Note: You are Oppressed

 Anarchism takes on many forms due in part on two facts, the first being it depends on what sort of society the Anarchist is coming from and two it depends on the ultimate goals of said Anarchist. This is why many people outside the movement see Anarchism (are brainwashed) as nothing more than pie in the sky with no clear cut answer. They fail to realize that central governments don't have any answers either but have only hoodwinked the masses into believing that they have the answers and that they are legitimate. Anarchists are the more honest because they know that in order for a non-coercive way of life to be rooted some of the answers will have to come after the revolution or founding of a state or what have you.

 The main problem Anarchist have and have always had is convincing the people that they are oppressed. That they have become reduced to nothing more than commodity buying addicts who are seeing as a subhuman by the Corporate Overlords. Many people believe that renting themselves out for pieces of paper is perfectly fine because this is how it has always been. Even though this is not how it has always been both historically and in parts of the world today. If you think about renting yourself out to work does it make any sense that they tell you how much you are worth? Your pay rate is your worth rate, look at how many people are deemed almost worthless by the various corporations. In the United States the majority people today (2016) are making less money than the average person did in 1985. This shows me at least that from 1985 to now corporations overtime have deemed people to be almost worthless. The average person is giving just enough money to buy some groceries and a few trinkets while they sink more and more in debt. This is done be design not by people making foolish choices.

 Most people are unaware that Corporations and governments spend tons of money on figuring out how to control the masses. This started roughly in the 1950's and has been implemented and working. They figured out that keeping the masses glued to a false idea of life and self worth is the best way to keep the majority in a slumbering state. When we look at our current society we see and hear people talk about the news (nothing more than propaganda) which sports team they are rooting for and what they are going to buy. They have been raise to believe that Materialism and Escapism are the basis for a healthy human life. They are unaware that they have little to no idea of what is really going on in the world, they have no idea that the reason they are giving so many television programs, sports teams, tabloids, and other forms of distraction is to keep them in line with the other slaves. It has worked in booming numbers since the majority of people are no longer able to form an opinion or even think anything other than what they have been told by the media. The average persons attention span is fifteen minutes at the most compared to the three to four hours it was some odd number of years ago. Still convincing people that they have been and continue to be oppressed is hard and it is a minority view, esp in the United States.

 People don't realize is that these big businesses and government's spend lots of money on detaching themselves from the average person. They talk about people as numbers, as tools, and fully convince themselves that they have the right to control the lives of other people. This becomes very clear when you come face to face with these high ups, they are out of sync with the majority not because they are clueless but because they see  everyone who is not them as mere pawns in the game that they have designed. Though one or two crazies may shoot a few people (usually other slaves) they continue to go about business as usual. It is a sad state when you have a whole class of people convinced that the rest of the populations only benefit is to serve them.

 The only way the Anarchists can fight the system is not with outlandish ideas but with constant critiques of the current world, it's social structure, government, corporations that run it, policies that are passed, laws, entertainment, history, basically every level needs to be analyzed in order for the majority of non-Anarchists to see where the nonconformists are coming from. This won't be easy because the government is making it harder and harder to get to real information, making it harder and harder for the voices of justice to be heard. It is unfortunate that as we proceed to move forward real education is going to the wayside.

 I believe that Anarchism can prevail if not in a great number then at least in pocket societies and that's all it really needs in order to survive. Ounce people see that it works, even if it works in a fleeting moment, it will light a spark that will alter the world.

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Monday, July 25, 2016

Sabbath Rose: Poems of an unusual spirit

A Spiritual journey the way only a New Current Poet can deliver. From Hymns of the Highest glory mixed with angst at the keepers of the establishment one gets a sense that political and spiritual outlook of this writer are one and the same. The topics and the people that were chosen, along with the more Hermetic aspects of each poet may leave one guessing that these words are either heretical or the deepest truth. Either opinion is on the individual readers baring no intention on the author.
 This collection should be read in the spirit of joy, and self-reflection.

Friday, July 22, 2016


I’m lost in time without you
I’m vanished from space without you

You always bring me back
You always bring me back
Even if I’m just a memory

We are connected beyond words
We are two really we are one

You always bring me back
You always bring me back
From the brink of collapse

I’m a drift
Drowning in explosive suns
Evaporating remaining whole

Your tears
Proclaimed my existence
Before my birth
After my death

You always bring me back
You always bring me back
Even if I’m just a memory

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Monday, July 18, 2016

Angels Hair

I hear the angels
I hear the angels
Muffled voices, breeze
World changing
Open your ears

I hear the angels
I hear the angels
Distant muted
Barely noticed
Quiet pure
Open your heart

I am the leaf
Letting go of the branch
Gently falling from grace
Surrounded by the buzzing sounds
Only to land on the ground
Unknown place of death
Still bound to the nature of birth

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Friday, July 15, 2016

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Bare Feet on Rug

The second my
Bare feet touch the rug
A stillness overcomes my
otherwise normal senses
I'm no longer in
normal ticking time
In a pocket universe
everything ceases except
the beating of my heart

My mind reaches
for the right words
With every movement
I become elevated
Climbing the Jacob's ladder
through the onion layers
Until my essence is all that is
naked before the Creator

Every star burst inside
unity fills me
My body continues to move
through waves of eternity
One with All
One with All
complete At-one-ment
Why can't I stay
in this moment forever?

The last words
spill out of my lips
Gradually feather like
I descend back to
mundane reality
Brief sadness holds me
giving way to rejoicing
Clear washed soul
nothing can deter my path
Feelings gone but
the memory spurs me on

Soon my bare feet
will be back on the rug
Feelings gone
the memory, the memory
the memory spurs me on

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Rivers of Night: Anthem of Persepolis

Rivers of Night
Anthem of Persepolis
Forever your skies,
Your air set my heart in tune
As if it were a flute.
May God take my life, all my loved ones and possessions from me if He will,
But may He not deprive me of my one true homeland for the world.
The glory of a wise people
Brought up in a culture brilliant
With a history five millennia long.
The cherished goal, stay glad.
Victory, victory, victory to thee.
May the holy land, stay glad;
Beautious realm, stay glad.
Sky of golden sun,
Steppe of golden seed,
Legend of courage -
Take a look at my country!
Youth of Persepolis, arise! And at our Country's call
Single in heart let us open the way; let us keep in mind
Our millenary history. From North to South, brothers,
Let us unite. Our young hearts are crystal pure;
Unsparing of our ardent blood, let our efforts increase.

You can Build your national Anthem for anything you like whether it be your state, made up Nation, Mosque,Church, etc, simply fill in the blanks check off the region and it make a  Anthem for you by using a cut-up method of existing Anthems in that region. I did this for Persepolis and this is what I got. Have fun making your own.

In light of this week

In light of all the events of this week both in the middle-east and in the United States I think it's time that humans wake up and start to look at one another differently. Everything that is happening is due to oppression in one way or another. The Western World has been oppressing the Middle-East since 1941 in a most severe way by forcing imaginary boundaries that did not exist, breaking treatise, among other aspects. The so-called black people of the United States have been subjected to oppression and dehumanization for 200 odd years almost on a daily. You cannot be the cause of so much pain in the world and not expect some sort of Karma. The United States is responsible for much of the pain in the world and yet somehow we believe we will escape what we have put forth. That's not how it works.
I would like to add that racism has been used to divide people in the United States so that the Elite who should be the real targets of our anger, along with the politicians, can live in peace while we fight among ourselves. Many times it's a class issue of course the so-called Black People were for the most part kept down in order to make this point obscured. The only reason why the rich and politicians are giving lip service to the death of these cops isn't because they care but they know ounce people are no longer afraid to kill cops then they are next on the chopping block. Now before you get angry with me wait, I'm not condoning the murder of cops, just like I don't condone the murder of anyone but I also so the reality of the situation.
If you want to live in peace then you have to make that peace and the first step is seeing one another as human. Start by looking at one another as human.
May Allah bless those and keep those innocent people who were wrongfully murdered. And May Allah show us the straight way the way of tranquility in this life and in the hereafter.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Black Rose: Rants, Essays, and Letters of an Anarchist... my latest book
After hearing an reading many negative views of the Anarchist movement and seeing the movement sort of hit a brick wall as far as to the next move I decided to weigh in on some issues as well as give hints as to the general direction that may benefit the Community as a whole.

Saturday, July 2, 2016



The last basket
That first woosh
Sound of nothing
Passing on a bicycle
Cold to the skin
Heat for the heart

Nah Man,
Don't worry about the dial up
It'll come around
High speed blinders
Got you all confused
You thinking it's tomorrow
Though you're reading yesterdays news
What's going to happen
When you wake up?
Jump off the cliff?
Slide down a mountain of Peanut Butter?

Can't help you
Gatta help myself
I can only be the way for I
Just like you I
And him I
and her I
and we I
and they I
and all the I and I and I and I and I
Otherwise no one will get anywhere
Standing still nightmare

Wish I could stay
Time to hitch a ride
A place called Kolob
I heard God lives near there.

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Set Aside (Poem on Ramadan 28, 1437)

When I hear the call to prayer
My soul lifts up
When I wash
My body feels refreshed
When I stand on the rug
My being is outside normal time
While I pray
Nothing exists except my Lord
Engulfed in His Love, His Mercy, His Will
I become a mere thought of Allah

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey