Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Anarchist Note: You are Oppressed

 Anarchism takes on many forms due in part on two facts, the first being it depends on what sort of society the Anarchist is coming from and two it depends on the ultimate goals of said Anarchist. This is why many people outside the movement see Anarchism (are brainwashed) as nothing more than pie in the sky with no clear cut answer. They fail to realize that central governments don't have any answers either but have only hoodwinked the masses into believing that they have the answers and that they are legitimate. Anarchists are the more honest because they know that in order for a non-coercive way of life to be rooted some of the answers will have to come after the revolution or founding of a state or what have you.

 The main problem Anarchist have and have always had is convincing the people that they are oppressed. That they have become reduced to nothing more than commodity buying addicts who are seeing as a subhuman by the Corporate Overlords. Many people believe that renting themselves out for pieces of paper is perfectly fine because this is how it has always been. Even though this is not how it has always been both historically and in parts of the world today. If you think about renting yourself out to work does it make any sense that they tell you how much you are worth? Your pay rate is your worth rate, look at how many people are deemed almost worthless by the various corporations. In the United States the majority people today (2016) are making less money than the average person did in 1985. This shows me at least that from 1985 to now corporations overtime have deemed people to be almost worthless. The average person is giving just enough money to buy some groceries and a few trinkets while they sink more and more in debt. This is done be design not by people making foolish choices.

 Most people are unaware that Corporations and governments spend tons of money on figuring out how to control the masses. This started roughly in the 1950's and has been implemented and working. They figured out that keeping the masses glued to a false idea of life and self worth is the best way to keep the majority in a slumbering state. When we look at our current society we see and hear people talk about the news (nothing more than propaganda) which sports team they are rooting for and what they are going to buy. They have been raise to believe that Materialism and Escapism are the basis for a healthy human life. They are unaware that they have little to no idea of what is really going on in the world, they have no idea that the reason they are giving so many television programs, sports teams, tabloids, and other forms of distraction is to keep them in line with the other slaves. It has worked in booming numbers since the majority of people are no longer able to form an opinion or even think anything other than what they have been told by the media. The average persons attention span is fifteen minutes at the most compared to the three to four hours it was some odd number of years ago. Still convincing people that they have been and continue to be oppressed is hard and it is a minority view, esp in the United States.

 People don't realize is that these big businesses and government's spend lots of money on detaching themselves from the average person. They talk about people as numbers, as tools, and fully convince themselves that they have the right to control the lives of other people. This becomes very clear when you come face to face with these high ups, they are out of sync with the majority not because they are clueless but because they see  everyone who is not them as mere pawns in the game that they have designed. Though one or two crazies may shoot a few people (usually other slaves) they continue to go about business as usual. It is a sad state when you have a whole class of people convinced that the rest of the populations only benefit is to serve them.

 The only way the Anarchists can fight the system is not with outlandish ideas but with constant critiques of the current world, it's social structure, government, corporations that run it, policies that are passed, laws, entertainment, history, basically every level needs to be analyzed in order for the majority of non-Anarchists to see where the nonconformists are coming from. This won't be easy because the government is making it harder and harder to get to real information, making it harder and harder for the voices of justice to be heard. It is unfortunate that as we proceed to move forward real education is going to the wayside.

 I believe that Anarchism can prevail if not in a great number then at least in pocket societies and that's all it really needs in order to survive. Ounce people see that it works, even if it works in a fleeting moment, it will light a spark that will alter the world.

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey

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