(flag design by Ammer Ishad Ali, Muslim Anarchist Flag)
This is not going to go through every minute detail about Islam and Anarchism and how they are perfect for one another, lots of other websites do that but instead I will try to show the essence of Islamic Anarchism by showing what they all have in common. Just like Islam and Anarchism are not monolithic ideas neither is Islamic Anarchy, some are pacifists, some are more mystical, some have social ideas, while others lean towards primitivism. Having said that they all share some basic ideas that I believe make up the very essence, the very backbone of the this movement that is needed to make it a long lasting presence in the world both in the west and the east.
Akin to Christian Anarchists Islamic Anarchists are in one way or another based on theocratic principles. There is no god but Allah, and Submission to Allah means that the individual person has every right to question, not to adhere to, any authority that is not God. All other forms of authority are viewed with suspicion and in many cases as usurper's of Gods role. This is not saying that all forms of authority are demonic but it insists that all authority that is not God must prove that they are legitimate and necessary in order to have the cooperation of the people, if this legitimacy cannot be provided then they should be ousted. The second a Tyrant takes the helm the tyrant should be overthrown.
Many Islamic Anarchists insist on the ability that humans do not need an intermediary between themselves and the divine. This is actually an Islamic principle that each individual has the ability to use their own reasoning to decide not only how they should live but also what the scripture says. This does not mean that all Clerics are evil but it does mean they can give an opinion but that's all they can do. The authority that clerics hold will be done away with because too many people believe what clerics say over the Qur'an, many clerics like Priests and other religious leaders never teach the whole truth about Islam or the Qur'an but certain truths in order to maintain power over the minds of the populace. In the Islamic Anarchist community you have the ability to use your own mind without someone telling you how it should be.
Critical of Anarchism itself
One of the refreshing aspects of Islamic Anarchists is not only do they critique Governments, Religious institutions and other forms of authority but they also critique the Anarchist Movement itself from the classical period to the current. This process I believe will always allow Anarchism to grow into new directions that many would not think of if they are stuck in the mold of a certain thought. Along with this is self-evaluation both as individuals and as a whole. Islamic Anarchist are the first to point out the flaws of there own movement but also work on how to correct these flaws. If you do a google search this is evident in the writings of each Muslim Anarchist that not only builds on what came before but also critiques and moves in a direction that may or may not have been intended but would be better for the community as a whole.
Just like Islam is a communal based religion Islamic Anarchism is a Communal based society. No one is better than the next person, everyone is on the level.
No one is or should be forced to do anything so all aspects of society should be done in a voluntary manner. This is how it was when Muhammad (pbu) was alive and in many ways the Medina Constitution reflects certain ideas that are common in the Islamic Anarchist Movement. Voluntarism is a basis of the Movement because the Prophet did not force people to accept his way of life neither will the Islamic Anarchist Movement.
The Movement accepts others as they are and other movements as they are and are not out to change what others think nor convert to their religion. They accept that they will coexist with Atheist, Christians, Jews, Hindus, and even Capitalists (as well as Communist).
Property is Theft
Since Allah is the Owner and Creator of the world Property cannot be owned. It can be used, it can be shared, but it cannot be possessed and passed down from individual to individual. This illusion that you can own Property is seen as one of the biggest flaws not only in society but in human development as a whole. It is true that the early Muslim community operated under the idea of property it was also understood that people can be nothing more than care takers of the property but God is ultimate ruler.
This aspect ties into the Communal nature where most if not all things are shared for the benefit of everyone in the community. This does not mean that boundaries will not exist certainly if an Anarchist state is formed it will need a boundary, but those within the state will live out the Communal aspect.
Self Defense
You and the community has a right to defend itself from outside and inside power hungry usurpers. Offensive attack is not accepted in this Movement.
Judicial System
Unclear to exactly what this entails it is agreed that some sort of Judicial system may be needed in order to safe guard the individuals within the community and from the community becoming an authoritative state.
Most Islamic Anarchists uphold a Moneyless state, stating all the usual rhetoric of other moneyless socials do.
Neither Sunni nor Shiite nor Sufi
Though many Anarchists come from a certain background be it Sunni, Shiite, or Sufi the aim of Islamic Anarchists is to get rid of all divisions seeing them as decisive and keeping the Community in achieving real and lasting unity. How one wants to pray is an individualistic choice and people should not fight over past historical issues but make peace with them. Ultimately Islamic Anarchists would like to see a time when those who embrace Islam are simply Muslims and that all divisions are done away with as it was in the time of Muhammad (pbu). In this case many can say that Islamic Anarchists are the true upholders of the original intent of Islam itself.
Many have compared Islamic Anarchism to Islam Hadhari, a progressive movement that was started in 1957 that was founded by Tunku Abdul Rahman. Though many aspects of both movement parallel one another and often times converge the one critique of Islam Hadhari by Islamic Anarchists is that Islam Hadhari stil operates under the need for a centralized government were as Islamic Anarchists do not think a centralized government is needed.
As I have said before this is not a case by case but an overview of the essence of the Islamic Anarchist movement.
©2016 Abdul Batin Bey
©2016 Abdul Batin Bey
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