Monday, December 21, 2015

Anarchism: In the age of terrorism

 The word Terrorism is thrown around a lot these days and I know many of us shrill at its use because we understand that one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Having said this I will define terrorist as anyone or group who attacks civilians or innocent people instead of their true enemies the centralized government. Lets be real that is the aim of these groups but instead of attacking in a more straight on way they are doing it through other more circular means. That’s the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist is that a true freedom fighter goes after those doing the oppression on the masses not attacking the masses in order to get to the oppressor who sees the masses as nothing more than collateral damage though they may mime otherwise with poetic gestures as long as they are relatively safe they really don’t care how many innocent people these terrorist kill.  That may sound a bit depression to some but it is the obsolete truth.

A question that keeps coming my way is how would an anarchist society deal with such a crisis? Before I begin I would like to point out that as I write this there are anarchist in the middle-east and other parts of the world actually going toe to toe with these terror groups and making more headway than most of our current “Big Brother Savior” countries who seem to be a bit hand tied. To answer the question is not easy since if anarchist did take over they would have to deal with what the Capitalistic world left behind. This may cause Anarchist to take measures they may not have otherwise done if they came into a clean sleight. If Anarchist did take over (either with a clean slate or when they straightened the mess left behind) the first thing that would be hard for terrorist groups is that all centralization would be gone leaving very few areas worth attacking. The entire country would become a huge spider web with lose affiliations here and there but no central buildings, no Olympic size events, no gluttons shopping mauls, all that would be gone no matter what form of Anarchism prevailed. Another factor would be that the police would disappear but everyone would be armed so even if a terrorist did kill or blow something up they would be met with an entire community of armed citizens ready to fire upon them. The reason why terrorism can operate so well is that centralized governments need people unarmed so that they can pretend to defend them though in reality they can do nothing of the sort. In a society were everyone is armed, self-sufficient, and heavily scaled back there would be nothing of strategic value.

A main difference would be that an Anarchist society would pull out of the world economy and the ever-increasing globalization. Terrorism is an exact out come of the meddling of the so-called civilized world forcing its will on other parts of the globe in the name of progress. Anarchists are not going to invade other countries nor will they ally themselves with those who would wish to drag them into wars. Like Sweden Anarchist would allow the world at large to destroy itself as long as they were left in peace. The only way that Anarchist would have to be in a conflict would be in self defense which means the war would have to meet them on their own soil that would always give the Anarchists the home advantage. Now individual Anarchist may fight (as they have in the past) in various causes but an entire society would not be thrown into the jaws of war based on what a few people believe or want. The main reason is that is a form of coercing which is in direct violation of what Anarchists believe.
Some may be wondering about a military the truth is everyone would be the Military in a sense because everyone would be trained to use guns, those who want to learn to fly airplanes would be taught (along with submarines and whatever else is needed) so you would have all the advantages of a Military just not one that is outstanding. The heart of Anarchism is education that encompasses not only the basics of our current education such as Art, Science, English, History, etc but also an education in practical ability of self-reliance like farming, fishing, self-defense in all its forms, and above all the appreciation of life not as something to grudge through like so many people do today but an appreciation to experience every second of life. Since an Anarchist society will not value money, or any commodity over human life, as well as animal life and nature as a whole the value of life will skyrocket and be the way it was many thousands of years ago. Anarchism is the only philosophy that puts life above everything else. Anything that infringes a being from enjoying life is not allowed making them more willing to defend what they have from those who whish to steal it from them.

Terrorism can only exist in world were life is not appreciated but objects and commodity are. As long as countries invade other countries in order to take oil, gold, or simply to impose there will on others you will always have terrorism because you always had terrorism. Terrorism is a natural product of a Capitalistic commodity over life society just like the criminal is a product of the same atmosphere.
Some may read this and say its too idealist too Utopian but that’s because they have lived there lives in a corrupt society and Anarchism is a complete opposite of the world we currently dwell in. Anarchism as a whole if one takes the chance to look into it is actually the most practical way of existing that it shunned simply because it is too practical and those with alternative ideas of greed and temporary power do all they can to stop the masses from learning the truth about Anarchism.

Anarchism is not the enemy of the people it is the enemy of those who try to own and control the people.

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