Sunday, June 26, 2016

Pine Nuts on the floor (Poetic Rant)

Why you Muslims doing this?
Why you Muslims doing that?
You know your religion is backward
You know you hate women
You know that Jesus dies for you

Wait now...hold up... reverse
Why am I being demonized because
Others who share my faith are wigging out
Due to colonial brainwashing but you leave that out
Never seeing your contribution to the problem
Convinced yourselves you're the solution
Really.. is that so..
Let's go ask the Native Americans
Let's go ask the slaves that hung in trees
Lets go ask every indigenous peoples 
See if they speak Highly about you
Oh wait.. that was then... Oh really?
Has anyone made amends?
Righted any of the wrongs?
Just because you want to walk away
Doesn't mean the past is forgotten ok
Karma doesn't view history as you do
Research for a minute all that you have done
Holding the banner waving the cross
Then maybe you will see 
The deranged damage your people have done
Including never excluding the KKK 

Now back to the matter at hand
What's going on isn't nothing new
Started back in 1941
Escalating since then to now
How do you fight a colonial power?
Through terrorism
But until both sides come clean
Living this G.I. Joe cartoon dream
Nothing will be resolved
Hate will simply evolve
To the next generation
Morphing into another situation
Blood, guts, and no one wins

I hate to break it to you
We Muslims are not a monolith
Not some robotic hive mind
We're just like you
Over a billion people is a diverse group
So stop and think before you ask these questions
As if I should somehow know
How terrorist work 
Maybe you should just ask them
I'm on the same face as the planet as you
Wondering the same damn thing
How can people take something as beautiful as Islam
Turn it into an ugly nullification

How can people take something as beautiful as Islam
Turn it into an ugly nullification

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Pine Nuts on the Floor (Poetic Rant)

Pine Nuts on the floor

Why you Muslims doing this?
Why you Muslims doing that?
You know your religion is backward
You know you hate women
You know that Jesus dies for you

Wait now...hold up... reverse
Why am I being demonized because
Others who share my faith are wigging out
Due to colonial brainwashing but you leave that out
Never seeing your contribution to the problem
Convinced yourselves you're the solution
Really.. is that so..
Let's go ask the Native Americans
Let's go ask the slaves that hung in trees
Lets go ask every indigenous peoples 
See if they speak Highly about you
Oh wait.. that was then... Oh really?
Has anyone made amends?
Righted any of the wrongs?
Just because you want to walk away
Doesn't mean the past is forgotten ok
Karma doesn't view history as you do
Research for a minute all that you have done
Holding the banner waving the cross
Then maybe you will see 
The deranged damage your people have done
Including never excluding the KKK 

Now back to the matter at hand
What's going on isn't nothing new
Started back in 1941
Escalating since then to now
How do you fight a colonial power?
Through terrorism
But until both sides come clean
Living this G.I. Joe cartoon dream
Nothing will be resolved
Hate will simply evolve
To the next generation
Morphing into another situation
Blood, guts, and no one wins

I hate to break it to you
We Muslims are not a monolith
Not some robotic hive mind
We're just like you
Over a billion people is a diverse group
So stop and think before you ask these questions
As if I should somehow know
How terrorist work 
Maybe you should just ask them
I'm on the same face as the planet as you
Wondering the same damn thing
How can people take something as beautiful as Islam
Turn it into an ugly nullification

How can people take something as beautiful as Islam
Turn it into an ugly nullification

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Rain Zombie

Rain drizzling
Time swirls down the drain
Paperclip tempos
Matching the slamming feet
Another day where no one notices anything

The statues
Stand with no meaning
Except on field trips
When empty eyes finally notice
The only time they are realized

Sun marks
Earth moving beneath
Eternity coasting on and on
No one seems to care
Gazing at technologies soft glow

Everyone has become undead
Acting out the Day of the Dead
Believing they are filled with life
Even when they know its time for bed

Cycle continues
on and on and on
Day in and day out
Until they have no more nights
Will they then feel the wasted self?

Average American
Lives in a constant dream state
Stuck in a sound pyramid
Seeing, Hearing, Illusion
As empty as a newborn babe

Wake up!
Wake up before its too late
Know thyself is the key
Its warm in the pocket
Not worn with experience
Its warm in the pocket
Not warn with experience
Its warm in the pocket
Not warn with experience

Copyright 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Al-Khidr Mosque

 As of June 24th, I am pleased to announce that the Al-Khidr Mosque is now an officially Chartered and in commune with the Moorish Orthodox Church and its affiliated branches. I would like to thank Mustafa al-Layla for surfing the proper channels and making this happen. Hakim Bey for granting me the charter and all the pluses and misuses that now go with my newfound responsibilities and of course Rashad Bey who set me on this path all those many Crescent Moons ago. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Unaware Moments

I am unaware
of these moments
they appear only to disappear
blinking seconds gone
precious life
lost in an eyelid 
how many moments
do we lose daily
during our grind
how many moments
do we recall
fondly lovingly
it seems as if
the nature of man
is to steal the gift
precious life
from all they can
until that gift is gone
never ounce did they understand

Copyright 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Waters of Sheol

Blacked Sun
Scorched earth
Crystal symphonies
Accompany the agony
Sight gone
Crossing the river
Unknown state
Hidden from God

Rise from Slumber
Cave dwellers
Judgement accepted
Weight of your heart
Saints unwanted
Abode called home
New creation
The moon laughs no more

Waters of Sheol- were we wait
Waters of Sheol- place of oblivion
Waters of sheol- were we wait
Waters of Sheol- place of oblivion

Superstition defeated
Truth of deity
Armies falling
Light blasphemy 
Power dissolved
Jacob's crowded crown
Semetic flowering
Nothing stays the same

Cosmic laws
Acosmic reality
Dervish Circle Seven
Bathed in conformity
All that was
Drains to ashes
David awakens 
Mahdi standing Ka'ba

Waters of Sheol- were we wait
Waters of Sheol- place of oblivion
Waters of Sheol- were we wait
Waters of Sheol- place of oblivion

The moon is blackened
The cross is broken
Stars fail constellations
Hours are speaking
Higher Self prepares for battle
Jihad- the lower self dies
Prophecy fulfilled
By the ones who mind the books
Prophecy Fulfilled
By the ones who traverse

Waters of Sheol
Waters of Sheol
Waters of Sheol
Waters of Sheol

Bloom at the feet of the daughter of Moses

Copyright 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

We are not the intended audience

Mikail Bey wrote this in his book about Hakim Bey when he was being initiated into the Moorish Orthodox Church while in the circle of Europeans smoking dope wearing the Fez and calling one another Moor. He doubted that any real Moorish Scientists would appreciate the scene he found himself in nor did he think Noble Drew Ali would approve. On one hand I am inclined to agree with him I'm sure many in the science would frown on the scene and I am sure Noble Drew Ali wouldn't have been too happy either especially when you consider his stance on drinking and smoking. Unfortunately this incident left Mikail Bey dissatisfied with the Church as a whole, among other aspects.

The Beautiful thing about the Moorish Orthodox Church is that the of the above paragraph does not include every wing of the Church but one aspect by one particular group. What about the Europeans who take the teachings of Noble Drew Ali seriously? Ones who see him as a Prophet, a Buddha, as the Lion of Islam returned? There are other members of the Church who are more in tune with the Science Temple than with the jokester and if they were born differently then would be full fledged Moorish Science members. Still other groups within the body of the Church are somewhere in between the dope smoking hippie crowd and the strict scene of M.S.T.A. and maybe that's how it should be. No one branch of the Church tells another branch how to be nor does one branch enforce a dogma on another branch but instead each Church,Temple,Mosque, Ashram, what have you, is allowed to blossom and grow according to its vine and fig tree.

 We Europeans are/were not the targeted group for the teachings of Noble Drew Ali I believe that everyone will agree with that statement no matter what side of the fence you are on. Having said that you can also say that about the followers of the Prophet Muhammad who gave his message to his own tribe, his own city people, of his day and his time mostly the Arab people by extension so if you are not an Arab then you really are not to take the message of the Prophet Muhammad as your own. We can say this about Jesus (Yeshua) the Christ who gave his message to his fellow Jews. When we examine the teachings of Jesus as well as all the other Tanakh prophets they are talking to one audience and one audience along that is Israel as a whole and respective tribes as individual. Those who are not Israelites or of a tribe of Israel really have no claim or stake in the teachings of any part of the Bible. I would say that every movement that came about in history was for a particular group and that the majority of the people following said traditions in this case religion really were not meant for that message. As we also read about these movements (not just the Abrahamic ones but all world religions, politics etc) we always see people from the outside joining in. The most current and noticeable is the Rastafari faith that was loudly for the betterment of the African people worldwide but we see many non-African (European/White/Caucasian) people joining in droves. Even though they are not the targeted audience of Rastafari. So what happened?

I will say that every Prophet, Guru, Leader, is sent for a particular cause, a particular people, for a particular time. Many of the teachings are subject to time and place. They only become universal or attract outsiders in when the teachings can be understood and implemented by people of other regions, areas, etc. This is the only thing that distinguishes a cult from a true teachings. A cult leader has nothing to offer anyone this is why they must manipulate weaker minds into believing that they are someone. A person who walks, talks, and embodies the truth has something to offer everyone including those they never intended to become heirs to the message they were giving. I am sure Jesus had no intention on have so many Gentiles pick up the cross as it were and carry it. He was speaking and teaching only his people though he would commend a Roman for having faith by and large he saw the Gentiles as mere dogs lower than his people the Israelites. Even still you can't stop the truth from spreading and calling to those it will call out to attracting those who it will.

Let me put it this way: Noble Drew Ali was/is only universal because what he taught could be applied by people all around the world. Selah. (Stop,Listen, and Think). If you think that what Noble Drew Ali taught couldn't benefit the entire world then let me ask you why are you following a cult leader? You might as well call Noble Drew a liar. If you don't think his teachings could benefit and uplift all of mankind then is he really worth listening to? The fact that every nation could be up lifted by his words shows you the truthfulness of his message. The same is evident with Marcus Gavey, Haile Selassie I, Buddha, Zoroaster, Thoth, Khidr, Hermes Trismegistus, and all the other true and divine leaders.

 Since 1957 many Europeans have been uplifted living out the teachings of Noble Drew Ali and in 1962 the Moorish Orthodox Church was manifested as a light towards civilization. Since he spoke the language of the American (Northwest Amexem) people, he lived as they lived, ate along side of them, he was able to reach all levels of society because he was one of them. He was/is a Moorish-American and only an American can reach other Americans regardless of any so-called division. Just as Surah 14:4 says: We sent not a messenger except to teach in the language of his own people in order to make things clear.

The difference between the Moors and the Europeans is that the Europeans have to go seek out the truth because the Moors have the truth among them from the second they are born to the second they leave this form.

Even though people like me, The Noble Order of Moorish Sufis, the Moorish Orthodox Church of America, and various other Muslim-Sons & Daughters  are not the targeted audience of Noble Drew Ali his teachings can still help us undue the nails in our heads, free us from White Supremacy and enrich every aspect of our lives.

This is why it is good for us to stay in communion with the Moorish Science Temple of America but we must not try to invade or be members of the Science Temple because we do not want what happened to Jesus or what is starting to happen in Rastafari happen to the Temple Moors. That is to say the watering down of the teachings of Noble Drew Ali until they lose all depth and meaning. By staying in communion yet, maintaining our own both sides can develop parallel while preserving the message as it was giving. When too many strangers take to a scene they usually change it until it no longer resembles the ideas or the meaning it had in the beginning. Just read Christian Church history and you will see what I mean.

Peace,Love, and Light

Copyright 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Star Scorcher

Cracked skies
Shattered waters
Scared scriptures
Angels in mass graves

Arabic dragon
Screams of the ages
Chains tormenting
The ones who were giving all

Misanthropic Dagon
Unnatural Native Dance
Blood Rain of saviors
Bow down Holocaust

Still you do not understand
Gods love is all you need
Dig beneath the Sumerian sand
Zoroaster's face you'll see

Ancient Fathers
Gifted the young
Ice mountains
Blocking out life giving sun

Moon knowledge
Poisoned mind
Rusty Nails
Take away all negative thoughts

Crystal holes
Broken lies
Black Stone
Unearth the Asiatic heart

Still you don't understand
Gods love is all you need
Dig beneath the sand
Zoroaster's face you'll see

Don't inhale the hate- Don't inhale the hate
Don't inhale the hate- Don't inhale the hate
Don't inhale the hate- Don't inhale the hate
Stop feeding the children of Baal

Copyright 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sunrise by Abdul Batin Bey

 This is just a little something I came up with while tooling around, I hope you enjoy it, share it, and be inspired yo create, live, love.

Copyleft 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Monday, June 6, 2016

Feminism: A critique from someone born after 1974

 Much has been said about the feminist movement and how it opened doors for women and made the world a much better place. But did it really? When I studied feminism is school and read about it on-line it seems that feminism wasn’t based on pure truth and it always seemed to have a secret agenda. It should also be noted that not every woman was or is a feminist some were anti-feminists who said that woman had more freedom than most men because women could chose to work or not to work. Though feminists scoffed them at the time in some cases they were proving to be right.

 Many feminists will tell you that women were not allowed to work especially before 1913. This is a far cry from the truth not only did many women work but some women were owners of businesses and owned lots of land. I would also like to point out that Black, Hispanic, and Asian women always worked prior to 1913 and that it was only the White women who was able to either stay at home or to get a job. Most white women did work for a while and then decided to stay home while other white women never stayed home even after having children.

 The jobs that most women go for and exceed at are more or less the same jobs that women went for and had before 1913 and before 1974 which were/are business, nurses, doctors (yes they did exist), lawyers, office workers, fashion, maids, teachers, and secretaries to name but a few. The only difference now is that some women go for jobs they are physically unfit to do such as construction workers, cops, firefighters and so on. This is proven by the fact that when women entered these jobs after 1974 they had to lower the physical standards. In some cases women don’t even take the same test as men do making it easier for them to get jobs that before 1974 they would never get due to the design of nature.
 Since voting was one of the hot issues it is somewhat funny and odd that women think they could not vote before 1913. The reason I say this is because women were held to the same standard that men were for most of history mainly that if you were a rich, educated, landowner you could vote. Wealthy women were voting long before 1776 and continued to vote after The United States was formed. If you were not an educated, wealthy landowner whether you were a male or female you were not allowed to vote period.

What did Feminism do?
 Since I talked about the reality of what happened mainly before 1913 which is a pivotal point in Feminist History let us turn our minds towards what happened after 1974 yet another landmark in feminist history. If you are unaware of the importance of these two years feel free to look them up.
 In the wake of Feminism achieving all its goals not even a year later divorces, teen pregnancies and violence have gone up. Now everyone must work and no one except for the wealthy have a choice not to. Everyone with children has to pay for daycare while they run off to work allowing an outsider to form your child’s mind in the most critical period of a child’s development. The Capitalist won the true victory because ounce everyone had to work they could then jump inflation due to the amount of new workers. Thus starting a rippling effect that has directly landed us in the problems we are facing today as far as taxes and over all economics.

 One of the inadvertent effects is that the idea of Motherhood being a job was taking away and is now seen as more of a burden than a blessing. Most women who do have children very quickly realize they now have two full time jobs, some cannot take the pressure end up committing suicide or even killing there own children. Suicide rates among women have been steadily going up after 1974, along with baldness.

 It used to be said that feminizing the world would see less crime and more open communications. This too is a failure since crime rates have been going up ever since 1974 especially sexual crimes. Even women get involved in crime activities in higher numbers than they ever did before.
Having said the previous you also have women such as Jenna Jameson and other porn stars saying that being a whore is liberty for women and is part of the feminist movement. Unfortunately they fail to see that they like all prostitutes are being exploited and ounce they no longer have beautiful looks they are tossed out and no one will even remember who they are. Unfortunately women on all levels of society (not all but many) think the whoredom of womankind is liberating one, which the Capitalist society is all too eager to use and plaster everywhere. Women have been lead to believe that by degrading themselves that is somehow empowering and yet they can’t understand all the negative effects that go with being a whore. In today’s world women and men are putting there sexual lives on-line allowing the entire world to witness how slutty they are with self shots, videos, and cam shows. Not realizing or not caring that down the line it will affect them negatively.

 On a lesser not is how women today dress (not all but the majority) with everything hanging out. Then they get angry when men treat them like the whores that they are portraying themselves to be. I think women can dress how they want but they too have to think of the image they are putting out. You can’t have it both ways you can’t leave it all up to men who are hardwired by nature to breed and seek the most available, not saying men should force themselves on every slut they see but women do have a responsibility just like men do. Men too should watch what they do, how they conduct themselves and how they dress.

 Feminism for the most part was never really about equality with men but it was about and in many ways is about over throwing men so that they can rule over men. Feminists want men to not vote, to have no choices in life, and to be less than human because from everything I have read about feminism this always appeared to me to be the end game and when I do meet man who accept the complete feminization of society they are too weak so much so that most women cheat on them because all emotion and no gruff lets face it makes you unattractive.

Women will one day out number men in huge numbers if one studies birth charts one can easily predict that by the year 3,000 so few men will be on earth that women might just have to share them. Then those alive can see what a society of females is about and will it be Utopian bliss or disaster as much of human history has been only those people will know. I can only speak for myself and the time I have come to live in and up until now nothing positive has come from feminism because feminism was designed to make the rich richer and the middleclass poorer.

Checkmate Capitalists.

Copyright 2015 Abdul Batin Bey

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Engrained to the core

The other day I was watching some videos about what white people say to Black, Asian, and other minority groups only it had the minority person saying it to the white person. I found it both hilarious and yet thought provoking because everything they where saying is one percent true but it also showed how white people feel no shame in saying things such as is that your natural hair, I don’t think of you as black or you’re Asian so you must be good at math. Only by seeing it from their perspective did I truly get a sense of what they must go through on a daily basis. It also proved that white people are so engrained with white elitism that it comes out in every day language. Even the most well-intentioned white person will without knowing it will fall pray to saying the most condescending and racist things without ever batting an eye. I myself am even guilty and I have had intimate relationships with people of other colors.

So the question must be asked why are white people so blind and dumb? The answer is simple the entire playing field is in our favor. Anything that does not meet our expectations we deem it our right to ask anything and everything and by doing so the white mind believes it is uplifting the person of color to a better understanding. The white mind will validate the minorities they deem worthy of befriending by comparing them to white people or saying that they are closer to white and making skin tone jokes about them being part minority because on a sub conscious level they have been brainwashed to think this behavior is not only natural but a perfect right. So they never see themselves as being part of the problem when in reality they are worse than those who burn crosses and wear sheets. Just because you have friends of different colors and have intimate relations does not mean you are not racist it just means you are blind to the fact that you are. White people should always be questioning their motives to see if they are legit.

Not only is this non-aggressive form of racism taught it is accepted by and large by the world and therefore goes mostly unchecked. The reason why is because even those of color are taught to tolerate this form of racism because it is non-aggressive in nature. They have learned to simply answer the insults as if it is legit conversation or simply roll there eyes and quickly change the subject.
The worst part about white racism is that it is self-deflecting meaning if they are called out as racist they will simply say that they are not without hearing what the person of color has to say or if a person of color brings up the race issue they will simply say in a point of fact matter that the person of color is the true racist one. This proves how disconnected white people are from the reality of the society that they inherited and continue to create.

Every white person within the United States needs to seriously look at themselves and the country that they live in and ask with all honesty if it’s as good for everyone as they deem it to be. Is racism really dead or has it simply taking on a new face? What can every white person do to change it? I would say admitting it and recognizing it is the first step towards getting rid of the problem.

I wish I had more to say at this time but I don’t hopefully in the near future I will be able to write more after long hours of soul searching and reflection. 

Copyright 2015 Abdul Batin Bey

Don't believe the lies

In our modern days many Capitalist say they don’t look down on there workers and they use terms as “We’re all Friends” or You’re like family to me” in order to gain a foothold on the minds of those who work for them. The truth is they do look down on you and unfortunately they don’t have to be an owner of a company. I’m not saying unfortunately because I think owners have a right to do so but too stress that the evil Capitalist mindset has set its rot so deep in our society that even those who may only be one or two steps above you look down on you. How do I know this? Besides talking to such scum you can tell by body language and tone of voice. Also if you believe the lies that they tell you then question them on there motives and see how quickly they cut you down and show the real them. Yes ladies and gentlemen you are nothing more than a number easily replace with a body whether it be mechanical or flesh.

So why should you the exploited worker obey the minority slave masters? With their lies of economic trickle down that only a fool would believe or with the “We create the jobs” lie that has been disproving numerous times. It is the average person who creates wealth and jobs not the elite. Our current mode of society is based on lie after lie and yet many believe the lie and remain powerless. The majority needs to cast out the minority cancer and start again with a new way of life and looking at one another instead of buying into the false ideals of the Pigs on the Hill. Presidents, politicians won’t change unless the people force them to change. Only the majority of people can create a better future and a better world. We have gone as far as the Capitalist ideals can go and they are crumbling all around us in spite of what they are saying.

As humans we have only two choices at hand the first one being that we keep our mouths shut, take no action and remain a silent majority being crushed by the Elite or we can rise up, topple the current system and try a new approach that will lead to a better future for mankind as whole. We are at that point in history it’s now or never.

Anarchy 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Friday, June 3, 2016

Dear Jesse: My response

Dear Jesse

I have read your notes and to be honest I can’t figure out why you think its ok to lash out at me every so often. It always happens after a failed sexual remark that you most likely would like to go further but it never will. This is the umpteenth time this has happened so I suppose I should address your notes to find out what you really mean.

I like how you act as if you ever knew me in some capacity deeper than a guy who dated a ounce upon a time friend of yours. Your first remark was interesting by calling me a Hot topic drone that must be because you can’t comprehend a time when hot topic didn’t exist and you assume by the way I dress that I must be going there for all my band t-shirts even though I’ve had most of them since my late teens and I have bought only one thing at hot topic and it wasn’t even for me. I’m a lazy fool with undeserving dream that one was rich so pray tell what dreams are you addressing? As far as I can tell all my dreams are reality but please state what you mean in detail if you wish.

What is beauty? If you don’t know the answer to that question by now then maybe you should open a book or two. Then you say I lust after the young and desirable but yet that doesn’t make sense since I know no age when it comes to women. So questioning society and myself at the same time makes me a hypocrite if I acted on? Or even complimented a woman? If that’s true then everyone on this earth is a hypocrite like you for instance by pretending to be a carefree loving person when in reality you’re a vile creature.  Then you say I have no right to ask if people have morals, that to me again makes no sense I guess you really don’t know how to read what I write when I question our shared morality that is unmoral nor do I accept false morality having sex, enjoying life, is not unmoral but you would have to have a set of moral views in order to know that. Clearly you have yet to grow up or maybe simply I out grew you and you hate that. I grew up; I’m no longer the twenty-seven year old you met and that’s what you hate because maybe you haven’t changed all that much. Maybe the world is leaving you behind and you cant stand it.

I am not ashamed of who I was nor am I ashamed of who I am but did you ever really know the real me or just the fantasy that Kara portrayed and tried to force me to be? Since you hate me and wow that says more than everything we have addressed it shows me that you are unstable and cant distinguish between fantasy and reality. So feel free to leave me alone, to stop sending me messages on face book and have a good life.

Ta ta

(Had to post this here since he I am no longer able to send him this via facebook, he wrote a nast letter but did not want me to respond so this is my response and I know he will read it because he reads everything I write)

Copyright 2015 Abdul Batin Bey

Conformity: The one thing Capitalists and Communists have in common

Capitalism has to enforce conformity in order to survive. I would also argue that Communism must use conformity in much the same way. Both systems are based on government control (despite what Communist propagandists say) the only difference is that Capitalism needs to continually grow and spread whereas Communists are happy to be stagnant. Both most definitely need not to be questioned by those it subjects the best way to do this is to have the masses do the majority of controlling for you. Both these systems set up an unrealistic standard of happiness and then watch people attack each other if they do not agree with whatever that standard might be whether it is beauty, money, etc, etc. Also place this standard in so-called entertainment to further ingrain the imaginable standard.

 What these system don’t understand is that Conformity is why they both fail. Without free thinkers, without individualists, no knew ideas will come into the fold. Everything will slowly cease until it collapses and people wont be able to stop it or think a way out of it because by that time (our time) conformity is such a way of being that to think other than what they have been programmed becomes impossible until the ultimate collapse when people are forced to question what happened and think differently.

If we base our society without any standard of happiness, beauty, wealth or what have you and allow people to be themselves as they are we will most likely see the greatest time in history as far as humanities are concerned which is more important than materialistic items that will be tossed out and decay.

 So when our current society falls apart more so than it has done let us take this idea of civilization and remold it into a free individualist community.   

Copyleft2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Capitalists are Servants?

As I was listening to the radio the other day I heard the host say that he was a devout Catholic and has always believed in Capitalism because it lives by the teaching of Jesus to serve others. I was shocked considering that what he was saying was the biggest oxymoron anyone could say. Unfortunately he is not the only one trying to use his religious ideologies to sway the masses towards the devils kingdom. These people can’t really believe what they are spouting off.

In case people don’t know Jesus taught that it is better to serve than to be served and a true person of God should always be a constant servant. The elite Capitalist do not serve anyone except there own greed for power. Capitalist do the opposite of what Jesus said instead they exploit as many as they can and con others into serving them. This same host also said that a person should sweat for their daily bread and be paid fair wages as the Bible says. Again I have to laugh because Capitalist especially those at the top do not sweat but force others to sweat as they reap all the benefits and as far as fair wages no job today pays there employees a fair wage. Instead they pay the people actually doing the work barely livable wages while they take all the excess and live high off the hog.  
Capitalism is as anti bible as any system can get because it puts no value on human life but instead on money. It turns some into nothing but disposable tools while others with fat pockets are seen as upstanding citizens. This system is the only system where lunatics run the entire show and the sane people are left out in the cold.

Before you fall for the tricks of the enemies of humanity take a really good look at what Capitalism really has to offer, see what it has really done to humans and ask yourself is this the kind of self centered murderous world that I want my children and children’s children to inherit? Or do you want a better way of living a more simplistic way but a way where everyone has only what they need. If so start looking into alternative ways of living and try to implement them, educate people about them and try your best to steer the world in a much more humane society.

Copyleft 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Black Rose Lotus: Anarchist Spirituality

 It is said that anarchist are not a religious people, on that I would agree. Yet, to say a great deal of anarchists are not spiritual people I would have to disagree in the most severe way. You might find that a queer thing to write but let us look at the differences from an anarchist point of view.

 Religion is the dogmatic institution that suffocates the spirit and essence of the true teachings of the prophet, guru, teacher, avatar, and whatever else there might be. Religion as an entity exploits the hopes and fears of the masses for capital gain by creating intolerance towards all those outside of the “inner Circle”. To many anarchists religion is the worst part of the Capitalist scheme of control because it comes at you as a sheep though it truly is a wolf. In all my studies I have yet to find one religion that teaches the absolute truth of the book it spouses to be teaching from.

 Religion drives obedience and conformity down the throats of every man woman and child that enters its shrines, temples and churches.

 Spirituality is for all to believe and grow at there own pace. Dogma is tossed out the window for an open free from restriction experience. In spirituality people may believe or disbelieve what they want, joining or not joining communities that they deem worthy or unworthy. People may use tools or prayers as they wish or use none at all. Every man and woman is a cannon unto himself or herself. Respecting and learning from one another with openness. No one who advocates a spiritual life has to live in fear of what others may do if they have a disagreement with another group of people. Whether one is monotheist or polytheist or whatever the case may be the entire world is big enough to share and to connect with the divine as they see fit.  Holy wars and witch hangings will become a permanent thing of the past.

 All religions started off as spiritual paths but became corrupted by those who wanted power. By those who wanted the things of this world instead of the benefits of the spirit and this is where the anarchist differs from most people. The anarchist lives a simplistic life; the anarchist shrugs off materialism and extreme excess because the anarchist is a person who learns from the mistakes of both themselves and of others. Unlike the preachers of the world the anarchist does not want to take anything from you, the anarchists do not want you to live in fear of life and of death. No instead they want you to enjoy life and rejoice when death comes knocking at your door and the only that can be done is to embrace the spirit, live as a total community of like minded individuals. To not allow a big Communist capitalist authority but to allow you to be the master of yourself free from the death that religion and current society offers. Salvation cannot be achieved by donations, collection plates; no it can be achieved by actions as well as by embracing the spirit that resides in every living thing.

 If you read about any spiritual movement in its infancy they all live in a communal life style. They share food, clothes, daily choirs and daily work. They see and know the struggles of every person and they do not turn anyone who is in need away. Homelessness and unwantedness disappear because every need of every individual is met with the most basic of resources.

 What I am writing about can be found in every Holy Book, in every teaching but it seems that only the anarchists whether they believe in a higher power or not are the only ones that cling to these ideals and want to make these ideals a reality for all. Anarchists are not the enemy of God, Avatar, Buddha, or Christ, though many of the religious people who feed off the masses say otherwise. It is the opposed, the anarchist does not seek to destroy religion or society but instead the anarchist seeks to bring religion back to its root the spirit, the essence that will transform society back to its basic simplistic origins.
 Live a simple life and you will have more wealth then you ever dreamed of. Treat everyone with respect and you wont have to worry about crime or murder. Spread love to everyone and love will come back to you. Always do the right thing justice will always be done. Tolerate others and others will tolerate you. Create peace to achieve peace. The anarchist spirituality is the rightful spirituality of all creeds and rituals. Man must become what he is taught and knows to be true.

 The only paths I see where this anarchist spirituality is achieved is in the Chaos magick, Discordia, and Moorish Orthodox Church, all other paths including various Wicca, Luciferian, and Satanism have all abandoned the spirit for back biting Capitalistic gains of divisions.

So before you join a group or organization ask yourself do they embrace the unity of humanity and encourage the spirit of truth or do they just want to hoodwink you into dogmatic lies.

N©!2015 Abdul Batin Bey