Friday, June 3, 2016

Conformity: The one thing Capitalists and Communists have in common

Capitalism has to enforce conformity in order to survive. I would also argue that Communism must use conformity in much the same way. Both systems are based on government control (despite what Communist propagandists say) the only difference is that Capitalism needs to continually grow and spread whereas Communists are happy to be stagnant. Both most definitely need not to be questioned by those it subjects the best way to do this is to have the masses do the majority of controlling for you. Both these systems set up an unrealistic standard of happiness and then watch people attack each other if they do not agree with whatever that standard might be whether it is beauty, money, etc, etc. Also place this standard in so-called entertainment to further ingrain the imaginable standard.

 What these system don’t understand is that Conformity is why they both fail. Without free thinkers, without individualists, no knew ideas will come into the fold. Everything will slowly cease until it collapses and people wont be able to stop it or think a way out of it because by that time (our time) conformity is such a way of being that to think other than what they have been programmed becomes impossible until the ultimate collapse when people are forced to question what happened and think differently.

If we base our society without any standard of happiness, beauty, wealth or what have you and allow people to be themselves as they are we will most likely see the greatest time in history as far as humanities are concerned which is more important than materialistic items that will be tossed out and decay.

 So when our current society falls apart more so than it has done let us take this idea of civilization and remold it into a free individualist community.   

Copyleft2016 Abdul Batin Bey

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