Sunday, June 5, 2016

Engrained to the core

The other day I was watching some videos about what white people say to Black, Asian, and other minority groups only it had the minority person saying it to the white person. I found it both hilarious and yet thought provoking because everything they where saying is one percent true but it also showed how white people feel no shame in saying things such as is that your natural hair, I don’t think of you as black or you’re Asian so you must be good at math. Only by seeing it from their perspective did I truly get a sense of what they must go through on a daily basis. It also proved that white people are so engrained with white elitism that it comes out in every day language. Even the most well-intentioned white person will without knowing it will fall pray to saying the most condescending and racist things without ever batting an eye. I myself am even guilty and I have had intimate relationships with people of other colors.

So the question must be asked why are white people so blind and dumb? The answer is simple the entire playing field is in our favor. Anything that does not meet our expectations we deem it our right to ask anything and everything and by doing so the white mind believes it is uplifting the person of color to a better understanding. The white mind will validate the minorities they deem worthy of befriending by comparing them to white people or saying that they are closer to white and making skin tone jokes about them being part minority because on a sub conscious level they have been brainwashed to think this behavior is not only natural but a perfect right. So they never see themselves as being part of the problem when in reality they are worse than those who burn crosses and wear sheets. Just because you have friends of different colors and have intimate relations does not mean you are not racist it just means you are blind to the fact that you are. White people should always be questioning their motives to see if they are legit.

Not only is this non-aggressive form of racism taught it is accepted by and large by the world and therefore goes mostly unchecked. The reason why is because even those of color are taught to tolerate this form of racism because it is non-aggressive in nature. They have learned to simply answer the insults as if it is legit conversation or simply roll there eyes and quickly change the subject.
The worst part about white racism is that it is self-deflecting meaning if they are called out as racist they will simply say that they are not without hearing what the person of color has to say or if a person of color brings up the race issue they will simply say in a point of fact matter that the person of color is the true racist one. This proves how disconnected white people are from the reality of the society that they inherited and continue to create.

Every white person within the United States needs to seriously look at themselves and the country that they live in and ask with all honesty if it’s as good for everyone as they deem it to be. Is racism really dead or has it simply taking on a new face? What can every white person do to change it? I would say admitting it and recognizing it is the first step towards getting rid of the problem.

I wish I had more to say at this time but I don’t hopefully in the near future I will be able to write more after long hours of soul searching and reflection. 

Copyright 2015 Abdul Batin Bey

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