Monday, December 21, 2015

Anarchist City

 One of the main problems within the Anarchist community is that besides the Internet, a few squatters, and various communes hiding either deep in the woods or out in the boondocks there just isn’t a visible sign of anywhere. Sure you can read articles, manifestos, read books about what it would be like if we lived in an Anarchist Society, play video games were you can artificially live out the dream but for the vast majority of the populace Anarchism is just a Utopian pie that they either laugh at or simply shrug it off without much thought.

Anarchism as a whole has been giving a pretty bad reputation due to the overwhelming presence of the alternatives. Communist, Socialists, Capitalists, and even Fascists all agree on one topic and that’s there hatred for Anarchy. All three have spread lies, rumors, and consider it to be the death nail of civilization. Besides having some great writers and activists who may get in the spot light talking up the merits of Anarchy it has yet to catch on. Even when Anarchists helped various labor parties in the past, joined in civil wars, been beating, lynched, and lord knows what else may have happened the movement is still looked at as a fanatical fantasy that may be alright on paper but would never last in the real world. It is this precise attitude that we need to combat and the easiest way to combat this attitude is to develop our own town and cities. This is the only way that people in the wider population will come to understand the Black Banner.

If Anarchists are not willing to make a visible step forward in a more dramatic way a more noticeable way with the intent of sustainability then what good is being an Anarchist? I know you can point to various communes in the past and even now and talk up how they were brought down by the idiotic governments as some sort of vindication. The truth is even those more known to isolated parts of the world and to freedom fighters are again not known to the public and the ones that do know about them only proves to them that Anarchy has no real merit.

The reason why I entitled this article Anarchist City is because that is a definite way to get people talking, also it would be a place for Anarchists to actually live out there philosophy on a real scale. Communes tend to be small much more easier to contain but a city would give Anarchists every possible pro and con that will allow them to work and grow.
Ina city you have to deal with food, trash, possibly crime, and a whole host of possibilities. In a city without cops for real who will keep the streets clean? Who will farm; mine the stores (if stores even exist) so on and so forth.

Some of these have obvious answers like who will keep the streets clean is easy everybody because everyone will be armed in an Anarchist city. With no authority will people actually pull their own weight or will it simply be flushed down the drain?

Many Anarchists in the past and present had many ideas of how to run an Anarchist Society and how it would spread all over the world creating a better not perfect world. So why not do it? Have a place were there is no authority, no money, no property ownership, individual and communal rights where they are expressed through living them out.

I am one of those Anarchists who believe that it can be done and must be done if the movement is to have any real future. Otherwise the movement will only exist in dream states being nothing more than a mental exercise.

One obstacle that could impede this expedition is the fact that the Anarchist movement is extremely splintered so it might be in the best interest of everyone if the cities were to be declared what sort of Anarchist community they would intend to be that will reduce the amount of in house fighting. Examples would be Anarcho-Communist would have their own City, Anarcho-Sybndalicist, etc etc. I would even suggests that Anarcho- Pacifists to have there own city as well. I know some people belong to more than one school so you would have to decide which one speaks to you more clearly of course if it doesn’t pan out you could always leave and try a different Anarchist city. The only ones who I would exempt from this would be the Primitivisms since they don’t want to live in a City or town anyways. But all the other forms of Anarchy who talk about forming a society, a brotherhood of man now would be the time to do it.

So come one come all lets build us a city and show these bastards how its done.

copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016

Anarchism: In the age of terrorism

 The word Terrorism is thrown around a lot these days and I know many of us shrill at its use because we understand that one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Having said this I will define terrorist as anyone or group who attacks civilians or innocent people instead of their true enemies the centralized government. Lets be real that is the aim of these groups but instead of attacking in a more straight on way they are doing it through other more circular means. That’s the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist is that a true freedom fighter goes after those doing the oppression on the masses not attacking the masses in order to get to the oppressor who sees the masses as nothing more than collateral damage though they may mime otherwise with poetic gestures as long as they are relatively safe they really don’t care how many innocent people these terrorist kill.  That may sound a bit depression to some but it is the obsolete truth.

A question that keeps coming my way is how would an anarchist society deal with such a crisis? Before I begin I would like to point out that as I write this there are anarchist in the middle-east and other parts of the world actually going toe to toe with these terror groups and making more headway than most of our current “Big Brother Savior” countries who seem to be a bit hand tied. To answer the question is not easy since if anarchist did take over they would have to deal with what the Capitalistic world left behind. This may cause Anarchist to take measures they may not have otherwise done if they came into a clean sleight. If Anarchist did take over (either with a clean slate or when they straightened the mess left behind) the first thing that would be hard for terrorist groups is that all centralization would be gone leaving very few areas worth attacking. The entire country would become a huge spider web with lose affiliations here and there but no central buildings, no Olympic size events, no gluttons shopping mauls, all that would be gone no matter what form of Anarchism prevailed. Another factor would be that the police would disappear but everyone would be armed so even if a terrorist did kill or blow something up they would be met with an entire community of armed citizens ready to fire upon them. The reason why terrorism can operate so well is that centralized governments need people unarmed so that they can pretend to defend them though in reality they can do nothing of the sort. In a society were everyone is armed, self-sufficient, and heavily scaled back there would be nothing of strategic value.

A main difference would be that an Anarchist society would pull out of the world economy and the ever-increasing globalization. Terrorism is an exact out come of the meddling of the so-called civilized world forcing its will on other parts of the globe in the name of progress. Anarchists are not going to invade other countries nor will they ally themselves with those who would wish to drag them into wars. Like Sweden Anarchist would allow the world at large to destroy itself as long as they were left in peace. The only way that Anarchist would have to be in a conflict would be in self defense which means the war would have to meet them on their own soil that would always give the Anarchists the home advantage. Now individual Anarchist may fight (as they have in the past) in various causes but an entire society would not be thrown into the jaws of war based on what a few people believe or want. The main reason is that is a form of coercing which is in direct violation of what Anarchists believe.
Some may be wondering about a military the truth is everyone would be the Military in a sense because everyone would be trained to use guns, those who want to learn to fly airplanes would be taught (along with submarines and whatever else is needed) so you would have all the advantages of a Military just not one that is outstanding. The heart of Anarchism is education that encompasses not only the basics of our current education such as Art, Science, English, History, etc but also an education in practical ability of self-reliance like farming, fishing, self-defense in all its forms, and above all the appreciation of life not as something to grudge through like so many people do today but an appreciation to experience every second of life. Since an Anarchist society will not value money, or any commodity over human life, as well as animal life and nature as a whole the value of life will skyrocket and be the way it was many thousands of years ago. Anarchism is the only philosophy that puts life above everything else. Anything that infringes a being from enjoying life is not allowed making them more willing to defend what they have from those who whish to steal it from them.

Terrorism can only exist in world were life is not appreciated but objects and commodity are. As long as countries invade other countries in order to take oil, gold, or simply to impose there will on others you will always have terrorism because you always had terrorism. Terrorism is a natural product of a Capitalistic commodity over life society just like the criminal is a product of the same atmosphere.
Some may read this and say its too idealist too Utopian but that’s because they have lived there lives in a corrupt society and Anarchism is a complete opposite of the world we currently dwell in. Anarchism as a whole if one takes the chance to look into it is actually the most practical way of existing that it shunned simply because it is too practical and those with alternative ideas of greed and temporary power do all they can to stop the masses from learning the truth about Anarchism.

Anarchism is not the enemy of the people it is the enemy of those who try to own and control the people.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Letters to the Moorish Community

This is a series of letters that were written to the various Temples with the Moorish Orthodox Church of America circles by one of the leading preachers currently in the movement. The focus of these letters are events that took place between 2013-2015, Theological issues, and Political issues. This book is an easy but through read that gives novices and people who are simply interested in the Moorish Orthodox Church an inside glimpse of how they view themselves and also the world around them. This is the only movement that is both communal and individualistic, its a good case study for what could be the definitive Anarchist society that is currently in existence.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Thoughts of a Grey Jedi

The Grey Jedi seems to be the only real and true Jedi that exist. Both the Sith and the Jedi are extremists and in some ways are both a threat to the stability of the universe. I count myself as a Grey Order Jedi because it is truly all about balance. Without balance there is nothing but suffering and denial. The second you deny your own emotions you become nothing more than a prisoner of an illusion that yourself created. To absorb yourself fully in emotion especially anger and hatred you become a prisoner to a different illusion. Both are forms of illusion that alter the mind, the state of your self and even the flow of the force. You may become strong with the force, you may even become a great Master of the force with abilities to raise the dead, resurrect your own body and even create new life. But without a true balance understanding of the force everything you do is flawed being set for only a brief moment.
Those of us who have come to the realization that both the Jedi and the Sith operate with a flawed and personal understanding of the force (despite what Jedi say they do have an investment in there view of the force seeking to control it). The Grey Order knows that concepts of good and evil, Order and Chaos, are simply concepts but have a place within the Force. Both must exist in otherwise all of creation would come to nigh. This is where both the Jedi and the Sith fail both believe that the Force should be used and flow in one current whereas we accept both currents of natural/spiritual existence. We uphold the balance of the force to the best of our abilities. Only by maintaining the balance will the Force be able to correctly direct the universe.
There are some among you who believe we of the Grey Order are heretic’s maybe this is because you are afraid of the truths we espouse or maybe you are blinded by your own pride. Pride the word which one abstains and the other relishes. You may even accuse us of the same thing and we accept and expect your objections to our existence. None of the less both camps do come to us to learn as we go to you to learn. The Grey Order has no enemies except those who declare us to be there enemies.
May the Force be with you
Abdul Batin Osman Bey

The Grey Jedi seems to be the only real and true Jedi that exist. Both the Sith and the Jedi are extremists and in some ways are both a threat to the stability of the universe. I count myself as a Grey Order Jedi because it is truly all about balance. Without balance there is nothing but suffering and denial. The second you deny your own emotions you become nothing more than a prisoner of an illusion that yourself created. To absorb yourself fully in emotion especially anger and hatred you become a prisoner to a different illusion. Both are forms of illusion that alter the mind, the state of your self and even the flow of the force. You may become strong with the force, you may even become a great Master of the force with abilities to raise the dead, resurrect your own body and even create new life. But without a true balance understanding of the force everything you do is flawed being set for only a brief moment.
Those of us who have come to the realization that both the Jedi and the Sith operate with a flawed and personal understanding of the force (despite what Jedi say they do have an investment in there view of the force seeking to control it). The Grey Order knows that concepts of good and evil, Order and Chaos, are simply concepts but have a place within the Force. Both must exist in otherwise all of creation would come to nigh. This is where both the Jedi and the Sith fail both believe that the Force should be used and flow in one current whereas we accept both currents of natural/spiritual existence. We uphold the balance of the force to the best of our abilities. Only by maintaining the balance will the Force be able to correctly direct the universe.
There are some among you who believe we of the Grey Order are heretic’s maybe this is because you are afraid of the truths we espouse or maybe you are blinded by your own pride. Pride the word which one abstains and the other relishes. You may even accuse us of the same thing and we accept and expect your objections to our existence. None of the less both camps do come to us to learn as we go to you to learn. The Grey Order has no enemies except those who declare us to be there enemies.
May the Force be with you
Abdul Batin Osman Bey

Holidays: Big Brother owns you

As the Holiday season rolls around the majority of people are huddled together in sties that they call Malls putting themselves in debt for the simple idea of giving. They have made this a national holiday making the shopping experience not just religious experience but also a duty to your country. The rich have coned the majority into a buying frenzy every year for far too long. The scam is so flawless that even atheists and unpatriotic people join in on this frenzy for a day that to the vast majority of Americans means next to nothing only an obligation.

The Capitalist have really invented a good way to hoodwink people because if you tell people not to shop then you are unfaithful to your land of origin and if you tell people to oust Christmas then you are anti-Christian so that no matter what you always look like the bad person. Even calling something as a Holiday tree has sparked controversy for the blind and has made this season more easily to accept for the nonreligious or of other faiths. No matter how you slice it a good number of people are set up and fall into the trap of exploitation and consumerism. The holiday season is not a joyous season but a season of seeing whom the masters are and who the slaves are and the slaves are the ones buying up trinkets, toys, and other useless junk just so they can feel as if they belong to the human family.
Most people never think about what they are doing they just simply do it because it’s tradition and that’s what is sad about it. Those that are made it a tradition an obligation to exploit you but they do it with a smiling Santa so that even if you do start to see it for what it really is someone near you will just tell you you’re crazy or even don’t think about it. The holiday season should be the greatest time of revolt by the masses who are disgusted by the year long enslavement that they must suffer and this should be the last straw but its not because they smile as they take your money knowing that as soon as the new year begins they’ll give you another shitty raise for you to eek by while they sit pretty in there chambers, offices, and gaited communities for from you.

I know many will give me lots of hate mail for various reasons but the main reason will be because they are sheep with sheep mentality.

What I propose is the same as some do every year don’t buy anything for Christmas or Hanukkah or even Kwanza. Don’t give into the capitalist craze of buying and selling. Why empty your pockets for the very people who barely want to give you the money you worked so hard for. Remember as you buy your gifts that all you are doing is aiding the Capitalistic society in keeping you down while uplifting the lazy scum’s who brutalize you day in and day all year long. The only good cheer that is going around is the elite laughing as you make them richer.

Many will read this, smirk because deep down they know I am right but then they’ll rationalize it away as they leave the screens, or magazine, or however use they came to read this article and go out to the nearest store and do exactly what they shouldn’t be doing.

I can’t make people see the truth or accept the truth but I feel as if the truth needs to be told one way or another.

copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Noble Poetry: Moorish Sufi

Another book of poetry I wrote that reflects the inner dimensions of the Moorish Orthodox Church

Mine Alterations: Scribbles of a radical Magi by Abdul Batin Bey

This is a book of poetry I wrote that deals with Spirituality, Anarchy, and many wide ranging subjects. If you are into beat style mind blasts please check it out

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Anarchist Morality

Some may argue that a society of Anarchists could never be sustained because it appears that those within the movement have an ever-shifting concept of moral law. This couldn’t be farther than the truth Anarchist have a very human view of morality namely that morals today may not be morals tomorrow and since humanity is forever growing and learning moral concepts must be able to adapt to these new understandings. Unlike other forms of society Anarchists are true students of both history and human nature whereas they have no misgivings of the constant flux of peoples notions of acceptability.

Having stated the above there have been some constants within Black Rose circles, which I will propose as the foundation (or guidelines) of the society that I believe can best, be applied to all forms of Anarchism.

1. Individuality- people within an anarchist society are responsible for themselves; they have full rights to there own person and can express themselves in and manner that they see fit. Providing that it does not interfere or harm another individual. Actions that violate the sovereignty of any individual are never accepted.
2. Logical Reason- Every aspect of Anarchism is based on a study of science, history, and human nature. Thus when an individual, group, or the society have to make a decision they do based on the logic of that decision. There are no voices calling down from the sky, or assumptions based on emotion. 
3. Usefulness or hurtfulness to society- every action is weighed out by how useful or hurtful it is to society. If it were hurtful then it would not be carried out. If it is useful them it will be implemented
4. Treat others and do onto others, as you would like to be treated or have done to you or your loved ones.

The last one may shock people but the majority of Anarchists actually do live by the Golden Rule in a very real way. As I have said before these are the four basic concepts that seem to transcend the lines within the divisions within the movement.

copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016

Haile Selassie I T-Shirt

 This is a great T-shirt that you can purchase on Zazzel,

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Thoughts on Hassan I Sabbah Quote

Nothing is sacred
Everything is permissible
Everything is sacred
Nothing is permissible

 The quote above is the famous words of the Ismailia Shiite assassin and Master of Alamut with which much has been writing and I am sure much more will in years to come. I have decided to address these words and tell you what they think to me in hopes that we may benefit from the mutual knowledge and experiences that are in public and not so public view.

 To many the above quote seems to be a contradiction how can you have everything and nothing at the same time. The famous quote is akin to the Gospel of Mary where she states that she is the virgin and the whore, death and life, and so on and so forth. What the Gospel of Mary is saying and Sabah is basically the same thing and it all depends on the view you wish to take.
It is unfortunate that many only quote the first two lines using it as an excuse to break the chains of morality to wreak havoc for the mere purpose of destruction while ignoring the second two lines or worse simply being ignorant of them.

 Nothing is Sacred, Everything is sacred these two lines are powerful because they are both equally true the entire earth, universe is both sacred and profane at the same time. Most people like to divide there perception so that a Christian will see Jerusalem as sacred but Mecca as profane and the Muslim will see the Mosque as a sacred space but the Church as an unsacred space. But in my view of the two Sabah was telling us to keep both views as one to see everything we encounter as both sacred and unsacred to look between the two opposing forces to find the very essence of the two now one. When one contemplates on the Unity of all things and makes it apart of their worldview they start the path of Gnostic illumination.

 To view everything has both sacred and unsacred is to also not get caught up in the rhetoric of the day to stay focused on what must be done. This is how the assassins could pledge their allegiance to the Old Man and other authorities yet rise up against those authorities because they were aligned not to the shell but to the hidden essence that many overlook. Your allegiance is to the force of all things that reside in all things yet outside and separate, as does a Gnostic who is surrounded by and part of the social construct while also being part of its destruction.

 Everything is permissible; nothing is permissible like the idea of sacred so the idea of what is off and on limits can bring an awakening to the mind. Everything is permissible for one who studies and absorbed them in the hidden world, the subconscious state of unlimited freedom while nothing is permissible is for those bound by religious and social constructs. Again, we are being told to know both to work with both meaning though we may not need the roles of order we at times must work with them for the betterment of those around us so we must become keen students on both what we see and what is hidden because the two are one and the same. When you see the hidden world and manifest world as one your mind awakens to possibilities yet unknown to those who hide in either the mystical or the manifest. In short, Sabah pushed his students into a complete Monolithic view where duality ceases to exist. This is Hermetic Gnosis at its finest because as most teach from a pole of positive and negative here in these simple four lines we have the original view of the very first humans as the scriptures say: “God brings the good and the evil” or “Bless us from the good you have created and protect us from the evil you have created” or “To save yourself you must die to self” these are concepts that most never want to accept that the source of everything is the same that Chaos is Order and Order is Chaos and we must be both.

 To be both is no easy task because being raised in a concept of either or the more of the Higher Self we become the less we need of the limitations and illusions of the physical world but we must remember that the physical world is also a place of learning and we must never forget to learn from the physical and see its connection to the invisible, the unseen by seeing them, as one you will constantly be learning both and growing deeper and deeper in the knowledge of eternal.

 If one is serious about knowing thyself then one must know there outer flaws and perfections as well as there inner flaws and perfections.

 The energy that flows through every atom of existence bringing life is the same energy that brings its death and continues for all eternity. We are that energy though we do not know it, we are the positive and negative forces of all creation we are the unseen, the seen, and the unseen again over and over whether we want to be or not this is how we are to come and know the Creator because the Creator gave us the keys to come and understand him first by outer forms then by learning the inner forms so that we may be the embodiment of all forms as he is the embodiment of all forms. This is probably why George Lucas in his Star Wars Mythos had the Grey Jedi (Rogue Jedi) the ones who embraced and walked the centered path of light and darkness because the truth is the center, grey is the center between the two vibrations.

 The simple quote of Sabah if meditated upon and incorporated into our being will be the key to unlock not the mysteries but the reality of all because a mystery is reality yet to be understood.

©2015 Abdul Batin Osman Bey

Thursday, November 12, 2015

White Privilege among Whites: Anyway out?

 Many people in the non-white world see white privilege as only whites versus the pigmented. I am sure many do not realize how deep this ideology goes and would be shocked to find it that it exists even among fellow whites in many subtle and not so subtle ways. Those who are the lightest and of the Anglo-Saxon Protestant stock are at the top of the hierarchy because they are the full embodiment of all that is white and right in the world supposedly freed from all base actions and emotions. Most of them are emotionally bankrupt with no ability to show true emotion even among them selves everything they do is simply pretense but never substance. It is these non-empathetic people who have been calling the shots of the world on the world scale for the predominant part of world history. While those of the non-White Anglo-Saxon Protestant stock were hunted, killed, maimed, raped, tortured, and dehumanized.  All because this self absorbed emotionally bankrupt people deemed all others to be uncivilized from the Scots to the Africans, to the Arabs and to the Far East. It was an attitude that they adopted from the upper Roman nobility who were though pagans cut from the same cloth as our modern day Anglo’s are and like the Romans they destroyed the in the name of so-called Civilization.
Unlike the Romans who considered entire peoples as beneath them the Anglo-Saxons took it a step further in not only seeing entire peoples beneath them but also having different degrees of inferiority and spreading that ideal to those they oppressed. Making it that the more you resembled them the more tolerable you were but the darker you were the further away from them you became the more subhuman you were thought of. This is why Southern Europeans (mostly Sicilians and Greek Islanders), Iranians, and light toned Indians were never fully accepted into the good old boys club. Despite the shared Arian ancestry that is found among all of them some peoples were deemed mix breeds because according to the Anglos worldview only the blonde haired blue eyes peoples were the true pure superior beings.
Evolution was thought of and born from the Anglo-Saxon mind to try to prove their superiority and there self appointed right to rule this planet earth. The fact that evolution has been used against them is currently a mere stumbling block but not a deterrent. We must remember that what is being uncovered about human origins and destiny they knew the entire time but kept the masses in the dark in fear of being exposed as the frauds that they are. They take all “new” findings and obscure them with their old views and old money keeping themselves in tact as rulers of the land.
The idea of root races which was prevalent in the 1700’s up until the early 1900s was part of evolution which aided in our present way of thinking about race even though all scientific learned individuals know that race is noting more than a mere construct. All one has to do is search online for these ideas and you can easily see how they manipulated the minds of the masses but placing themselves on top and then building a hierarchy which states that they are better than the Celts, the Celts were better than the Southern Italians who were better than the Arabs who were better than the blacks. This is by no means a great detail but a short hand version of the chain of “command” for a more detailed look into this the book History of white people is a must read. At the moment the authors name has slipped my mind but it is a must read.
The absolute sad reality is that this way of thinking has infiltrated every aspect of our world and I don’t really see it disappearing any time soon even if the Whites were killed off or left the planet the truth is it is still in the minds of everyone. Though the black community tries hard to fight it by reversing it the reality is the light toned are still held in a higher esteem and the ones with whitish features are held up even higher all you have to do is look at videos, magazine covers, and actors and artists.
I don’t see mix breeding as a solution either because though the child may not look white the idea of white privilege is still in the mind of that child and in many cases, but not all they are the more ferocious up keepers of the white caste system.
I would also like to add that this way of thinking exist among the Asian Cultures were ever since World War Two the Japanese have placed themselves at the top and everyone else beneath then based entirely on the Anglo-Saxon ideal.
The only solution I can see is if our Father- God would have to destroy the world and start again with a new Adam and a new Eve because we the children of Noah have thus far failed our Lords noble plan as keepers of his beloved planet. 

Infallibility: Leading people astray

One of the most worrisome ideas in many different religious thoughts is the notion of infallibility meaning that either someone or a group of people are free from all error even if they commit an error it has no barren on them due to their special position with God. My main concern is that this notion of perfection is not found in any of the scriptures it most importantly leads people away from the worship and admiration of the One God. It is a trick of the lower self or the devil if you will to place an idol in front of All Merciful Creator.
In reading the Tanakh, Gospels and Quran nowhere does God declare anyone perfect, without sin or blemish this may seem hard to for many Christians but even Jesus is not considered a perfect role model when he himself says: Why do you call me good do you not know that it is God in Heaven who is good? In fact throughout the Scriptures our Heavenly Father always calls those deemed imperfect, flawed, hopeless, and in some cases not even liked people to bare his message. Now some may want to argue that this is not so but all the Prophets of God had some flaw one way or another. Some could barely talk, others were womanizers, some cast offs but this is whom God calls because they are the perfect example of Gods benevolence. God wants us to know that we too can do what these men have done that they are not above us or out of reach. They are picked precisely because they are marked by something.
This tells us a great deal about God in many ways the first it tells us is that God wants all of us to harkens unto him regardless of obstacles we place before ourselves, or that of society. He is calling the entire world to enjoy this life and eternity so he sent imperfect messengers to deliver his perfect message of repentance and of the consequences of our own folly. For too long have people placed various teachers and organizations on pedestals. For way too long have people believed that they needed someone or something to go through to reach our Master of the Universe. These notions are in direct contradiction of all the scriptures because people have bent them to mean what they really were never meant to mean whether it be about sacrifice in Ancient Israel, the meaning of Jesus life, death and teachings, and the life of Muhammad who God says he is just a man who die like all other men die. None of them were meant to be more than a delivery system for God to use and deliver his Good News.
When we say or believe that someone or something is infallible we are doing a disservice not only to ourselves, our children, our colleges but we are doing a disservice to God because God wants us all to know that he is Creator of all, Judge of all and in the hearts of all no exceptions. When you raise someone or something else up believing you are less than you robe yourself of the beauty and the calmness of our Father. His and it is Him alone that can save us, illuminate us, guide us on the straight path no one else, nothing else can. You can bless the angels, the prophets, say certain prayers it is useless because they can do nothing for you except expose you on the day of Judgment.
  This concept of a perfect being or intermediary is a left over ideal from those pagan times that we must shed if we are to come into the fullness of God that is to have Unity with God. That is what life is about Unity with God to be at peace with our Father and with ourselves if you believe you cannot achieve this then you are destroying your own soul.
All one needs to do is find a quiet place relax and open themselves up to the channels of Heaven and you will feel His presence as you have been guided to do so in your various scriptures. Do this and you will find everlasting peace.

One Second is all it takes

When reviewing my own life it amazes me how in every course I took it was always on the second and that’s how life really works. The second you decide to get a degree, to ask someone, to get married, to hang with friends etc. Every event in your life comes in seconds now some may say it takes years or moments but the reality is whatever decision you made only took a second even if you had to think about something for a year that second you decide to do or not to do is what’s going to play out over the next few years or your entire life. You were conceived in a second, breathed your first and one day your last in a second. Every second, you are changing growing and becoming who you will be the next minute, hour, or even the next year. This is why it is important to reflect, look back and be mindful of who we are, were we are going because we all know were will end up. So why get caught up in decisions that ultimately may harm us like murder, stealing, robbing, and doing what we know is wrong but give in a second because we weren’t being mindful of ourselves and who we are and who we are suppose to be and who we will be.
Each one of us has unlimited potential to be whatever we want or need to be but we must cease the second to simply say yes to our ultimate self or no and become our lesser self. Now you can take this lesson and apply it to any area of your life that you see fit. I’m not one to tell other people how or what they should be doing but I know what it means for me and that’s all I need to know.
Go in peace
Stay in love