Friday, August 12, 2016

Beans and Peas: The Europeans place in Asia

I like good peas and beans. I am going to save 8% of the Europeans, because they are good farmers- Noble Drew Ali

The above statement is from the Oral sayings of Noble Drew Ali as told by Brother T. Booker Bey. When I first read this I thought it was a weird thing to say, surely there will be Asiatic Farmers and Noble Drew Ali always taught that the Asiatic should do for themselves akin to other nations. So I decided to read through the other statements to get a feel for the place of the Europeans after the devastation takes place and the world is set back in order. Let’s not kid ourselves; the world is not in proper standing in these days and if you think this world is as it should be then you are fooling yourselves.

Before I get into details I would like to look at the two foods that Noble Drew Ali said he liked. First, it is the only statement that has any mention of food in it. I’m also not sure of the European connection and I’ll get to why further in this article.

The first food mentioned is Peas, Peas are a very healthy fruit, they are good for weight management, protection from stomach cancer, are an anti-aging agent, build strong immune system, gives a person high energy, prevents wrinkles, prevents Alzheimer’s, prevents arthritis, prevents bronchitis, prevents osteoporosis, regulates blood pressure, helps prevent heart disease, prevents constipation, and reduces cholesterol.

The second food mentioned is beans the magical fruit as they say and it maybe true but not for the reasons most assume. Beans prevent heart disease, fight cancer, lowers cholesterol, helps lose weight, helps manage diabetes, this works great with peas and including more peas and beans in your diet seems to have great benefits. It should be noted that much of what we now know about these foods were not known or at least not well known in the time when Noble Drew Ali walked this fine earth.
According to Sheik Way-El 8% of Europeans will recognize the truth in the teachings of Noble Drew Ali by accepting the cords that bind the human family, these Europeans will be motivated and accept the teachings including the racial aspects in total. These Europeans will no longer see themselves as separate from humanity but one with humanity. They will stop causing discord in the world and live in peace and harmony with their Asiatic brothers and sisters the lion and the lamb lying in the open field. They will also remain separate by bringing back segregation on a worldwide scale as it was ordained by Allah to be.

The Europeans that will be saved will be farmers both of land and of the Islamic law I say this because Noble Drew Ali said that the Europeans would be upholders of the law in another part of the Oral tradition. When one reads the various saying and literature set down by Noble Drew Ali it seems that the Europeans will go back to Europe forever leaving the rest of the world to the original people. They will be upholders of Islamic law, they will accept Islam as there way of life, force those Moors clinging to Christianity into the Temple and get right, and ounce home (back to Europe) they will build there own Temples, and like I said before they will not mix with the original people of this planet we call earth.

In our days we are seeing plenty of Europeans waking up to the reality of Islam and accepting the teachings and culture. We are also seeing a spike in the membership in the Moorish Orthodox Church that temple of Europeans (and some Asiatic) that accepts Islam through the Moors. The Moorish Orthodox Church even has a few temples in Europe prepared for the eventual return of their European brothers and sisters in America.

By 2050 Europeans will be the minority in both Europe and in America, by 2060 they will be down to ten percent as we are seeing the words of Noble Drew Ali are coming to pass. If you are of European descent and wish to know what the future holds for you if you join the light of Islam then read and reread this article and be prepared. If you think what I write is folly then keeps on going your merry way and when the devastation comes don’t come crying to me.

Before I end this I would like to add that it doesn’t matter what form of Islam the European takes in many instances when Noble Drew Ali talked about Islam he wasn’t always referring to Islamism but Islam in all its forms and branches. When he said 8% of Europeans will be saved he meant from what I have gathered all those who have accepted Islam period, Sunni, Shiite, Sufi, it simply doesn’t matter. By accepting Islam as both religion and culture they will automatically be doing everything that Noble Drew Ali said they would do. So don’t fray over the branch you feel called to just accept it in Peace, Love, Truth, Freedom, Justice, and Beauty.

©2016 Abdul Batin Bey 

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