Saturday, May 14, 2016

Driving round the streets of Persepolis

Part of my writings as a member of Islam must be to not just write funny or thought provoking sermons, articles, and poetry, but I also have be an example of Self Inquire meaning I have to live out what our doctrine teaches. Part of that teaching is to kill the devil, that is to kill the lower self. Everyday I must die to myself in order to become Born Again. This is not a one time thing but something everyone should do daily. It is the only way you will be to grow as an individual and as a collective if you fail to do this then you will never reach those higher planes of existence, you will be stuck in the quick sand until you are eventually buried in the real sense of the word.

 To start things off I am not what is called an original man. The original man is the Asiatic (So-called Black Man) they are Asiatic because that's where life and civilization comes from due to the fact that in that area at that time it held all the conditions for life, nutrition, and growth both physically and spiritually.
 According to our best scientist humans have been on earth for 200,000 years give or take and that number keeps getting pushed back the deeper we dig in the earth and find more fossils. The Chinese and those from that part of the earth are only 65,000 years old. The Europeans (so-called white man) is only 5,500 years old. This means that for the majority of human history this planet was dominated by dark skin people and all other people come from them not the other way around as some of tried to suggest. This means the Bible which places Adam roughly at this 5,000 mark could take on some pretty different tones when you look at the Science of the situation.
 You might be wondering why I'm mentioning how long the human race has been around and how it relates to my drive and thoughts of self. It's easy, when I examine myself the first thing I have to do is remind myself of my proper place in the human family. This automatically humbles me because when you study what time people arrived or were birthed on this planet you realize that Europeans are the last in line. That means we are the children of all that came before that always makes me think and keeps me from becoming a Big Head.
 With that comes the history that we Europeans have brought about in that time and that history is filled with bloodshed, wars, and though these existed before we did it seems that we took it to a whole new level. The natural nature of the European according the N.O.I. and 5%ers is Devil. This doesn't mean that others can't act devilish but it means that we Europeans are at home in it. Our nature is not the nature of the Original Man. It seems we didn't learn all our lessons when we should have.The European   embodies the Lower Self whereas the Original Man embodies the Higher Self. It is towards the Higher Ways that we must embrace. I go through all these thoughts to check myself in every way because you may not have been studying long enough to know that everything I'm writing has multiple meanings behind the simple text.
 Ounce I am in my proper place, my proper mindset, then I get to work at dying to self so that I may become reborn.

 Today I as drove down Route Born I was thinking about my own nature, impulses and culture and how I don't want to be what I am. I don't want to be this twisted individual, that I have to truly Learn to Love Instead of Hate and completely embrace every aspect of the teachings of the Beloved. I kept going over my mistakes, my failures as well as my strengths to see where I could become better and what I must cut out.
 Then I went South on Culture Born Justice, in this case I must overcome my natural Culture in order for Justice to be Born and flourish on this planet. As long as I remain with the others sharing in the twisted mentality I will never be able to move beyond my current frame of mind. Some people will have to go but also some attitudes that I been carrying around for too long got to go as well. They no longer serve the purpose of survival but instead have become a hinderance and a weight that has been carrying me down but I didn't observe that until today.
 I too exit God Born meaning if I obeyed the laws and Culture of Islam I will be reborn as a symbolic gesture to remind myself of the changes I need to do I have decided to eat a Buddha Bowl for every meal. Doing a symbolic gesture helps to cement the real change in life. Also, eating a Buddha Bowl is not my natural way of eating this also pushes me away from my natural state of being which is negative to a more positive.
 Born God brought me to Wisdom Freedom which confirmed what I just wrote that I must act wisely in order to be Free and find a place of equality on this Marble Cipher.
 I must lay the foundation with Knowledge and make the conscious decision to either Build or Destroy in all my interactions and dealings because if I don't chances are I will act too rash and lose all that I have gained in this life thus far.
 When I hit Culture Born Justice I was now heading North meaning I will have to power to resurrect the currently dead self, lower self into the realms of the higher self. With this knowledge a new understanding become born in my mind.
 In that state of Justice I was ready to face the day and the challenges that it brings as well as the pleasures. Since I went through the web of my mind clearing the clutter I was ready to live out my spring cleaning.
 Arriving home I felt cool and collected.
 This is just one example of self examination

Copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016

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