As I was listening to the radio the other day I heard the
host say that he was a devout Catholic and has always believed in Capitalism
because it lives by the teaching of Jesus to serve others. I was shocked
considering that what he was saying was the biggest oxymoron anyone could say.
Unfortunately he is not the only one trying to use his religious ideologies to
sway the masses towards the devils kingdom. These people can’t really believe
what they are spouting off.
In case people don’t know Jesus taught that it is better to
serve than to be served and a true person of God should always be a constant
servant. The elite Capitalist do not serve anyone except there own greed for
power. Capitalist do the opposite of what Jesus said instead they exploit as
many as they can and con others into serving them. This same host also said
that a person should sweat for their daily bread and be paid fair wages as the
Bible says. Again I have to laugh because Capitalist especially those at the
top do not sweat but force others to sweat as they reap all the benefits and as
far as fair wages no job today pays there employees a fair wage. Instead they
pay the people actually doing the work barely livable wages while they take all
the excess and live high off the hog.
Capitalism is as anti bible as any system can get because it
puts no value on human life but instead on money. It turns some into nothing
but disposable tools while others with fat pockets are seen as upstanding
citizens. This system is the only system where lunatics run the entire show and
the sane people are left out in the cold.
Before you fall for the tricks of the enemies of humanity
take a really good look at what Capitalism really has to offer, see what it has
really done to humans and ask yourself is this the kind of self centered
murderous world that I want my children and children’s children to inherit? Or
do you want a better way of living a more simplistic way but a way where
everyone has only what they need. If so start looking into alternative ways of
living and try to implement them, educate people about them and try your best
to steer the world in a much more humane society.
Copyleft 2016 Abdul Batin Bey
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