Much has been
said about the feminist movement and how it opened doors for women and made the
world a much better place. But did it really? When I studied feminism is school
and read about it on-line it seems that feminism wasn’t based on pure truth and
it always seemed to have a secret agenda. It should also be noted that not
every woman was or is a feminist some were anti-feminists who said that woman
had more freedom than most men because women could chose to work or not to
work. Though feminists scoffed them at the time in some cases they were proving
to be right.
Many feminists
will tell you that women were not allowed to work especially before 1913. This
is a far cry from the truth not only did many women work but some women were
owners of businesses and owned lots of land. I would also like to point out
that Black, Hispanic, and Asian women always worked prior to 1913 and that it
was only the White women who was able to either stay at home or to get a job.
Most white women did work for a while and then decided to stay home while other
white women never stayed home even after having children.
The jobs that
most women go for and exceed at are more or less the same jobs that women went
for and had before 1913 and before 1974 which were/are business, nurses,
doctors (yes they did exist), lawyers, office workers, fashion, maids,
teachers, and secretaries to name but a few. The only difference now is that
some women go for jobs they are physically unfit to do such as construction workers,
cops, firefighters and so on. This is proven by the fact that when women
entered these jobs after 1974 they had to lower the physical standards. In some
cases women don’t even take the same test as men do making it easier for them
to get jobs that before 1974 they would never get due to the design of nature.
Since voting
was one of the hot issues it is somewhat funny and odd that women think they
could not vote before 1913. The reason I say this is because women were held to
the same standard that men were for most of history mainly that if you were a
rich, educated, landowner you could vote. Wealthy women were voting long before
1776 and continued to vote after The United States was formed. If you were not
an educated, wealthy landowner whether you were a male or female you were not
allowed to vote period.
What did Feminism do?
Since I talked
about the reality of what happened mainly before 1913 which is a pivotal point
in Feminist History let us turn our minds towards what happened after 1974 yet
another landmark in feminist history. If you are unaware of the importance of
these two years feel free to look them up.
In the wake of
Feminism achieving all its goals not even a year later divorces, teen
pregnancies and violence have gone up. Now everyone must work and no one except
for the wealthy have a choice not to. Everyone with children has to pay for
daycare while they run off to work allowing an outsider to form your child’s
mind in the most critical period of a child’s development. The Capitalist won
the true victory because ounce everyone had to work they could then jump
inflation due to the amount of new workers. Thus starting a rippling effect
that has directly landed us in the problems we are facing today as far as taxes
and over all economics.
One of the
inadvertent effects is that the idea of Motherhood being a job was taking away
and is now seen as more of a burden than a blessing. Most women who do have
children very quickly realize they now have two full time jobs, some cannot
take the pressure end up committing suicide or even killing there own children.
Suicide rates among women have been steadily going up after 1974, along with
It used to be
said that feminizing the world would see less crime and more open
communications. This too is a failure since crime rates have been going up ever
since 1974 especially sexual crimes. Even women get involved in crime
activities in higher numbers than they ever did before.
Having said the previous you also have women such as Jenna
Jameson and other porn stars saying that being a whore is liberty for women and
is part of the feminist movement. Unfortunately they fail to see that they like
all prostitutes are being exploited and ounce they no longer have beautiful
looks they are tossed out and no one will even remember who they are.
Unfortunately women on all levels of society (not all but many) think the
whoredom of womankind is liberating one, which the Capitalist society is all
too eager to use and plaster everywhere. Women have been lead to believe that
by degrading themselves that is somehow empowering and yet they can’t understand
all the negative effects that go with being a whore. In today’s world women and
men are putting there sexual lives on-line allowing the entire world to witness
how slutty they are with self shots, videos, and cam shows. Not realizing or
not caring that down the line it will affect them negatively.
On a lesser not
is how women today dress (not all but the majority) with everything hanging
out. Then they get angry when men treat them like the whores that they are
portraying themselves to be. I think women can dress how they want but they too
have to think of the image they are putting out. You can’t have it both ways
you can’t leave it all up to men who are hardwired by nature to breed and seek
the most available, not saying men should force themselves on every slut they
see but women do have a responsibility just like men do. Men too should watch
what they do, how they conduct themselves and how they dress.
Feminism for
the most part was never really about equality with men but it was about and in
many ways is about over throwing men so that they can rule over men. Feminists
want men to not vote, to have no choices in life, and to be less than human
because from everything I have read about feminism this always appeared to me
to be the end game and when I do meet man who accept the complete feminization
of society they are too weak so much so that most women cheat on them because
all emotion and no gruff lets face it makes you unattractive.
Women will one day out number men in huge numbers if one
studies birth charts one can easily predict that by the year 3,000 so few men
will be on earth that women might just have to share them. Then those alive can
see what a society of females is about and will it be Utopian bliss or disaster
as much of human history has been only those people will know. I can only speak
for myself and the time I have come to live in and up until now nothing positive
has come from feminism because feminism was designed to make the rich richer
and the middleclass poorer.
Checkmate Capitalists.
Copyright 2015 Abdul Batin Bey
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