In our modern days many Capitalist say they don’t look down
on there workers and they use terms as “We’re all Friends” or You’re like
family to me” in order to gain a foothold on the minds of those who work for
them. The truth is they do look down on you and unfortunately they don’t have
to be an owner of a company. I’m not saying unfortunately because I think
owners have a right to do so but too stress that the evil Capitalist mindset
has set its rot so deep in our society that even those who may only be one or two
steps above you look down on you. How do I know this? Besides talking to such
scum you can tell by body language and tone of voice. Also if you believe the
lies that they tell you then question them on there motives and see how quickly
they cut you down and show the real them. Yes ladies and gentlemen you are
nothing more than a number easily replace with a body whether it be mechanical
or flesh.
So why should you the exploited worker obey the minority
slave masters? With their lies of economic trickle down that only a fool would
believe or with the “We create the jobs” lie that has been disproving numerous
times. It is the average person who creates wealth and jobs not the elite. Our
current mode of society is based on lie after lie and yet many believe the lie
and remain powerless. The majority needs to cast out the minority cancer and
start again with a new way of life and looking at one another instead of buying
into the false ideals of the Pigs on the Hill. Presidents, politicians won’t
change unless the people force them to change. Only the majority of people can
create a better future and a better world. We have gone as far as the
Capitalist ideals can go and they are crumbling all around us in spite of what
they are saying.
As humans we have only two choices at hand the first one
being that we keep our mouths shut, take no action and remain a silent majority
being crushed by the Elite or we can rise up, topple the current system and try
a new approach that will lead to a better future for mankind as whole. We are
at that point in history it’s now or never.
Anarchy 2016 Abdul Batin Bey
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