Saturday, June 11, 2016

We are not the intended audience

Mikail Bey wrote this in his book about Hakim Bey when he was being initiated into the Moorish Orthodox Church while in the circle of Europeans smoking dope wearing the Fez and calling one another Moor. He doubted that any real Moorish Scientists would appreciate the scene he found himself in nor did he think Noble Drew Ali would approve. On one hand I am inclined to agree with him I'm sure many in the science would frown on the scene and I am sure Noble Drew Ali wouldn't have been too happy either especially when you consider his stance on drinking and smoking. Unfortunately this incident left Mikail Bey dissatisfied with the Church as a whole, among other aspects.

The Beautiful thing about the Moorish Orthodox Church is that the of the above paragraph does not include every wing of the Church but one aspect by one particular group. What about the Europeans who take the teachings of Noble Drew Ali seriously? Ones who see him as a Prophet, a Buddha, as the Lion of Islam returned? There are other members of the Church who are more in tune with the Science Temple than with the jokester and if they were born differently then would be full fledged Moorish Science members. Still other groups within the body of the Church are somewhere in between the dope smoking hippie crowd and the strict scene of M.S.T.A. and maybe that's how it should be. No one branch of the Church tells another branch how to be nor does one branch enforce a dogma on another branch but instead each Church,Temple,Mosque, Ashram, what have you, is allowed to blossom and grow according to its vine and fig tree.

 We Europeans are/were not the targeted group for the teachings of Noble Drew Ali I believe that everyone will agree with that statement no matter what side of the fence you are on. Having said that you can also say that about the followers of the Prophet Muhammad who gave his message to his own tribe, his own city people, of his day and his time mostly the Arab people by extension so if you are not an Arab then you really are not to take the message of the Prophet Muhammad as your own. We can say this about Jesus (Yeshua) the Christ who gave his message to his fellow Jews. When we examine the teachings of Jesus as well as all the other Tanakh prophets they are talking to one audience and one audience along that is Israel as a whole and respective tribes as individual. Those who are not Israelites or of a tribe of Israel really have no claim or stake in the teachings of any part of the Bible. I would say that every movement that came about in history was for a particular group and that the majority of the people following said traditions in this case religion really were not meant for that message. As we also read about these movements (not just the Abrahamic ones but all world religions, politics etc) we always see people from the outside joining in. The most current and noticeable is the Rastafari faith that was loudly for the betterment of the African people worldwide but we see many non-African (European/White/Caucasian) people joining in droves. Even though they are not the targeted audience of Rastafari. So what happened?

I will say that every Prophet, Guru, Leader, is sent for a particular cause, a particular people, for a particular time. Many of the teachings are subject to time and place. They only become universal or attract outsiders in when the teachings can be understood and implemented by people of other regions, areas, etc. This is the only thing that distinguishes a cult from a true teachings. A cult leader has nothing to offer anyone this is why they must manipulate weaker minds into believing that they are someone. A person who walks, talks, and embodies the truth has something to offer everyone including those they never intended to become heirs to the message they were giving. I am sure Jesus had no intention on have so many Gentiles pick up the cross as it were and carry it. He was speaking and teaching only his people though he would commend a Roman for having faith by and large he saw the Gentiles as mere dogs lower than his people the Israelites. Even still you can't stop the truth from spreading and calling to those it will call out to attracting those who it will.

Let me put it this way: Noble Drew Ali was/is only universal because what he taught could be applied by people all around the world. Selah. (Stop,Listen, and Think). If you think that what Noble Drew Ali taught couldn't benefit the entire world then let me ask you why are you following a cult leader? You might as well call Noble Drew a liar. If you don't think his teachings could benefit and uplift all of mankind then is he really worth listening to? The fact that every nation could be up lifted by his words shows you the truthfulness of his message. The same is evident with Marcus Gavey, Haile Selassie I, Buddha, Zoroaster, Thoth, Khidr, Hermes Trismegistus, and all the other true and divine leaders.

 Since 1957 many Europeans have been uplifted living out the teachings of Noble Drew Ali and in 1962 the Moorish Orthodox Church was manifested as a light towards civilization. Since he spoke the language of the American (Northwest Amexem) people, he lived as they lived, ate along side of them, he was able to reach all levels of society because he was one of them. He was/is a Moorish-American and only an American can reach other Americans regardless of any so-called division. Just as Surah 14:4 says: We sent not a messenger except to teach in the language of his own people in order to make things clear.

The difference between the Moors and the Europeans is that the Europeans have to go seek out the truth because the Moors have the truth among them from the second they are born to the second they leave this form.

Even though people like me, The Noble Order of Moorish Sufis, the Moorish Orthodox Church of America, and various other Muslim-Sons & Daughters  are not the targeted audience of Noble Drew Ali his teachings can still help us undue the nails in our heads, free us from White Supremacy and enrich every aspect of our lives.

This is why it is good for us to stay in communion with the Moorish Science Temple of America but we must not try to invade or be members of the Science Temple because we do not want what happened to Jesus or what is starting to happen in Rastafari happen to the Temple Moors. That is to say the watering down of the teachings of Noble Drew Ali until they lose all depth and meaning. By staying in communion yet, maintaining our own both sides can develop parallel while preserving the message as it was giving. When too many strangers take to a scene they usually change it until it no longer resembles the ideas or the meaning it had in the beginning. Just read Christian Church history and you will see what I mean.

Peace,Love, and Light

Copyright 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

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