Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Black Rose Lotus: Anarchist Spirituality

 It is said that anarchist are not a religious people, on that I would agree. Yet, to say a great deal of anarchists are not spiritual people I would have to disagree in the most severe way. You might find that a queer thing to write but let us look at the differences from an anarchist point of view.

 Religion is the dogmatic institution that suffocates the spirit and essence of the true teachings of the prophet, guru, teacher, avatar, and whatever else there might be. Religion as an entity exploits the hopes and fears of the masses for capital gain by creating intolerance towards all those outside of the “inner Circle”. To many anarchists religion is the worst part of the Capitalist scheme of control because it comes at you as a sheep though it truly is a wolf. In all my studies I have yet to find one religion that teaches the absolute truth of the book it spouses to be teaching from.

 Religion drives obedience and conformity down the throats of every man woman and child that enters its shrines, temples and churches.

 Spirituality is for all to believe and grow at there own pace. Dogma is tossed out the window for an open free from restriction experience. In spirituality people may believe or disbelieve what they want, joining or not joining communities that they deem worthy or unworthy. People may use tools or prayers as they wish or use none at all. Every man and woman is a cannon unto himself or herself. Respecting and learning from one another with openness. No one who advocates a spiritual life has to live in fear of what others may do if they have a disagreement with another group of people. Whether one is monotheist or polytheist or whatever the case may be the entire world is big enough to share and to connect with the divine as they see fit.  Holy wars and witch hangings will become a permanent thing of the past.

 All religions started off as spiritual paths but became corrupted by those who wanted power. By those who wanted the things of this world instead of the benefits of the spirit and this is where the anarchist differs from most people. The anarchist lives a simplistic life; the anarchist shrugs off materialism and extreme excess because the anarchist is a person who learns from the mistakes of both themselves and of others. Unlike the preachers of the world the anarchist does not want to take anything from you, the anarchists do not want you to live in fear of life and of death. No instead they want you to enjoy life and rejoice when death comes knocking at your door and the only that can be done is to embrace the spirit, live as a total community of like minded individuals. To not allow a big Communist capitalist authority but to allow you to be the master of yourself free from the death that religion and current society offers. Salvation cannot be achieved by donations, collection plates; no it can be achieved by actions as well as by embracing the spirit that resides in every living thing.

 If you read about any spiritual movement in its infancy they all live in a communal life style. They share food, clothes, daily choirs and daily work. They see and know the struggles of every person and they do not turn anyone who is in need away. Homelessness and unwantedness disappear because every need of every individual is met with the most basic of resources.

 What I am writing about can be found in every Holy Book, in every teaching but it seems that only the anarchists whether they believe in a higher power or not are the only ones that cling to these ideals and want to make these ideals a reality for all. Anarchists are not the enemy of God, Avatar, Buddha, or Christ, though many of the religious people who feed off the masses say otherwise. It is the opposed, the anarchist does not seek to destroy religion or society but instead the anarchist seeks to bring religion back to its root the spirit, the essence that will transform society back to its basic simplistic origins.
 Live a simple life and you will have more wealth then you ever dreamed of. Treat everyone with respect and you wont have to worry about crime or murder. Spread love to everyone and love will come back to you. Always do the right thing justice will always be done. Tolerate others and others will tolerate you. Create peace to achieve peace. The anarchist spirituality is the rightful spirituality of all creeds and rituals. Man must become what he is taught and knows to be true.

 The only paths I see where this anarchist spirituality is achieved is in the Chaos magick, Discordia, and Moorish Orthodox Church, all other paths including various Wicca, Luciferian, and Satanism have all abandoned the spirit for back biting Capitalistic gains of divisions.

So before you join a group or organization ask yourself do they embrace the unity of humanity and encourage the spirit of truth or do they just want to hoodwink you into dogmatic lies.

N©!2015 Abdul Batin Bey

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