Monday, May 30, 2016

Anarchist City would be exploitive?

 I see on many chat forums and political websites the capitalists are trying to say that Anarchy would be more exploitive than Capitalism. This makes me laugh for a couple of reasons the first reason is whenever Capitalists go against Anarchists they always reveal that they do exploit and ruin peoples lives for money and power. They say that fools that will have no compassion for human lives nor have any value of the dollar would run businesses. These Capitalist reveal them and try to say Anarchy is something it is not. Anarchy has no reason to exploit because it is based on the premise that human life and dignity is more important than the almighty dollar. We Anarchists know the value of the dollar but that value is not worth putting our fellow mankind in slavery. The truth is money would be put into its proper place in an Anarchist society if such a society needed money. What threatens the Capitalist is that Anarchists are finding ways around the need for money and false power. People who uphold Capitalism are people who want to have power over other people for personal gain. An Anarchist wants to be equal with everybody knowing that personal happiness will be achieved when everyone is happy. Poverty will vanish because people will not take more than they need just because they can. The Capitalists know that there way of life is coming to an end though they desperately want to cling to it the only option humanity has is to adopt an Anarchist view for the preservation of humanity in the real sense.

 Certain aspects would have to be overcome in order for the Anarchist society to work and I am glad that many people inadvertently are taking steps in the right direction. The idea of white privilege must be done away with and will be done away with when no one is physically white of course the mindset may take some time due to the fact that those born with elitist minds may need to be weeded out whether by education or snipping of the balls so they cant breed. The way we think society has to be must be reconsidered, the way we see ourselves and the world must be rethought as well. I would also say we must take a step back from our current position in order to see if the road we are on is actually the right road not just for humanity but for animals as well. If we are to truly be a free society we must undo the Capitalist prison mentality that we are now currently living in.

The Capitalists cannot compete with what others and I are saying nor do they want it to happen. They want war, they want power, and they want to control the masses. I don’t think as many egotistical people have lived on earth nurtured by society than our time in history.
Topple Capitalism
Live Anarchy
Live Free

Ziggy says:(one of my black kittens): ;/`erty7  -

N©!Abdul Batin Bey 2016

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