Though Hassan the second (PBUHM) the Ismaili leader of Alamut is by and large considered a heretic by the wider Islamic Community, and was murdered for his teachings this doesn't mean that nothing of value can't be gained. We of the Noble Sufi tradition understand the hidden meaning and deeply spiritual teaching that is underneath the veneer of heresy. Heresy to one group is an orthodox of another such is the way of history even if those who deem it as orthodoxy have to go underground or transform themselves into something new. In many cases this is what happens because nothing is without merit or meter for it's time and place.
I cannot say what Hassan the second (PBUHM) actually thought while he proclaimed that the Day of Resurrection has come and that the laws are broken but I can assure you that he like so many other mystics before him were most likely misunderstood by those who upheld the religious dogma's of that time period and by those who wanted to rebel against such dogma's but were just waiting for an o.k. from somebody else so that they could feel blameless in the actions that they committed. Even though what we can learn? If you think nothing can be learned you are sadly mistaking.
In life only two types of people exist the first type are the slumbering dogs of dogma who merely go through the motions of ritual not because they believe in the ritual or because they think it enhances life but because they were told to do it by somebody who was told to do it by somebody and on and on it goes to the very firs somebody. This happens in every religious tradition. The second group of people are those who dare to follow the path of the prophets, gurus, teachers, what have you. It is these people who benefit greatly from the ritual, the chants, the prayers because they are not chained by them but freed by them due to the realization of what the rituals are actually doing. This is why they become enlightened filled with the treasures of paradise on earth. This is what religion (spirituality) is meant to do. It's suppose to bring you to higher levels of consciousness with new eyes to see and new ears to hear.The path is meant to bring you in union, contact with the Absolute of All.
In my opinion Hassan the second (PBUHM) had such an experience that for him the laws were lifted. This mystical experience is one that all truly devout mystics experience sooner or later. Life and Light unify into a complete whole and for as long as the experience lasts you are removed from the dogmas of your religion, path, creed, because you are taking direct orders or direction from the very source of it all. It is unfortunate that when many who are either in this state or trying to relate to others what had transpired many people take it the wrong way.
When one has a deeply moving experience they share it because it will in some way be magically passed on to those they tell forgetting the work they had to put in in order to gain such an insight. This may be the one flaw of many mystics because they forget that humans are only humans and tend to exploit or kill depending on the position they are in. This is why many who retain what most people are like obscure the meaning of the experience for the masses while keeping it between a close few that they deem can be trusted. Others will have to go through rituals and fasts before they can be privy to the golden information.
The Day of Resurrection can be looked at in two different ways, the first way is the orthodox way that states it will be a future event where you will be judged and either go up or down and possibly sideways as well.Or the esoteric way- that is the realization that you are one with the All, that you have gained new responsibilities (to help create paradise) here on earth. That God is both part of the universe while also being separated from its creation, that everything is connected and is One, and that they day of Judgement is an event that happening every second of your existence and you must bare the full weight of that judgement right here right now and if not fixed for the rest of eternity. This is the drawing near to God that so many desire but so few gain.
According to traditional understanding paradise is always what you can't have while you are on earth. Whatever you can't do now you'll be able to do whatever eludes you now you'll have plenty of then but what does God have to do with your wants and wills? The very things you desire have nothing to do with Him or His will because of these desires you are actually pulling away from God not drawing closer. You have taking the Allegories of various teachers and turned them into (at least in your mind) a sort of reality. Never stopping to think if that version of the end game even makes sense. Humans for the most part are too self-centered to really get what religion (spirituality) is actually teaching because they cover it with vain desires and the leaders of these movements go along with it because it keeps people in line and they feel a little bit of power and don't want to lose it. All that falls apart when a mystic comes in the room because the mystic has no choice but to pop your bubbles and say to you that these are keys to unlock doors not the final stage. So for Hassan the Second (PBUHM) the laws fell away and he embraces infinite possibilities. He was no longer himself but someone, something new.
This can also be seen in Sabbatai Zevi, and since he lived longer with and without his experience of Unity it is the most telling, through him we learn two very important lessons that go with the rapture. The first is that you can only transcend the rituals while you are in that state of God consciousness because God will not lead you astray and at those moments you are more or less a conduit to pass on a message from the universe to others mainly you need to understand the hidden meaning of what you are doing and to enjoy life. By rearranging customs or days while in this state you teaching people some lesson that they or the world needs to learn. The second thing we learn from the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi is the second you leave that state of consciousness you must return to the day to day rituals and holidays exactly the way you did before you had the exalted moment. In this way you will relearn the things you did that allowed you to draw closer to God and gain new insight into yourself and into the study of what it means when other people tell you what transpired. Many times those who had the experience don't remember much about it or are so enchanted by it they have a hard time being planted on the ground. Sabbatai Zevi was able to plant himself back on the ground because he would return to the normality of his life.
A third lesson but not always that case but seems to be the case with a few mystics including Sabbatai is the deep depression that comes from having these moments and having to become normal again. But even in that depression one can still gain new insights into what transpired and the day to day. In either case the day to day takes on new meaning and the mystic can nothing against God if they had a true experience but that is the standards by God not by human wants. This means that laws that people have added to the traditions they are part of will always be thrown away by the one who has achieved Unity with God and this is why many Prophets run afoul with those in power because anything that is contrary to what the Universal Ruler put forth will have no place in the new paradigm. It's not really a new paradigm but the paradigm that always was. The life of Jesus (PBUH) is a golden example of how he reinstated the true laws of God while tossing out the manmade laws but those in power and those who clung to dogma did what Jesus (PBUH) in reverse. They clung to the manmade while eschewing the laws that they were suppose to cling to. The same thing happens to this day so we have people living in centuries not one step closer to Truth that they were a million years ago.
The teachings of Noble Drew Ali are perfect for the mystic because Noble Drew Ali makes it known that is the basis of his teachings. First he reinstates what you lost mentally, physically, knowledge of self but then he gives you a book that has the keys to transcend all earthly bounds, rituals, and to have an experience of profound nature. This is why so many who take his teachings to heart end up being Sufi minded people because the very nature of His teachings is the very heart of all religious traditions. Peace with God and Peace with all of creation. Bare and open for all to see but even then some only get caught in the first few steps of what Noble Drew Ali taught but never going any further. His teachings if not understood would make heretics of us all but we are lucky to able to gain it in proper context mainly by reading the Holy Words of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic world.
At any rate remember that you are a seed of infinite possibility and nothing can limit you, destroy you, or distort you unless you allow it to do so. As a seed you are to grow into that which first planted you. If the world only understood then and only then would the first steps to world wide transformation occure, paradise on earth become manifest.
Copyright 2016 Abdul Batin Bey
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