Ever since the dawn of Babylonian civilization we have witnessed a world full of divisions and atrocities due partly because of the unbalanced nature of said society and of the mindset of greed in which this form of society needs in order to be sustained. It could be said that malevolent forces that seek to destroy the essence of mankind rather than preserve it rule our entire world. I say this because when we look around we see a world neither of Chaos nor of Order but a world of limbo, a world without actual direction, a world gathering energy for an implosion that may destroy everything that would allow a far distance species to know that we ever existed. Only in such a limbo can the devils prevail, in a world of Chaos devils cannot exist because they can’t get a foothold into the minds of people. Chaos takes away all manipulation leaving everyone bare to their very nature as soon as they are thought into existence. A world of order is a world ruled entire by benevolent beings who have shed all need of physical wants or desires in a true orderly world the devils no longer exist until then we are in a state of limbo. In a world of limbo it is easy for devils to manipulate people because it is a social structure based on smoke and mirrors and is a world where one must seek out there true inner self. A world of order one is never anything but one in mind, body, and spirit and creator. This limbo has people cut off from purpose and in this disconnect evil dwells and assumes power leading the uncultured further into nothingness.
As I listen to the radio hearing about this marble screaming out in pain my heart goes out to the world. While divisions are taking place, wars being planned and acted out, rape, murder, theft, injustice and many other crimes I think how far have we actually come. We have the sciences that are now shedding new light on nature and of course ourselves and we have various religious philosophies to guide us further into the future but we must cut off the wheat from the chaff.
The demonic beings are trying to cause war between science and religion and currently it is winning because the masses remain deaf, dumb, and blind by materialistic way of life. If they took the time to study they would find that science and religious philosophy are one and the same in both essence and meaning. They both seek to understand the universe, the creator, and the nature of self and both have certain portions of the elephant trunk but none of them see the entire elephant. It is only when we merge them into a Religious or Spiritual Science does the entire picture appear and only then can humans move into a direction of true order or true chaos depending on what they may choose. Both science and religion in our current state suffer from dogma that prevents a true remerging of both fields. Over the years they have been at each others throats due to the arrogance that have entered into them. Both of them cling to old traditions instead of seeking unity of all things. We must always stand guard against these disturbers of evolution. As long as cling to divisions we will never move forward we will continually yield to the path of destruction. As the Middle East home of all civilization is tarring itself apart over sectarian differences that are forbidden by our Father God we must now make the choice more than ever as individuals and as a whole will we follow the path of nowhere or the path of the Garden. We must decide heaven or hell today not tomorrow because as we all know tomorrow never comes. Civilization was meant for all but as of right now very few people are truly civilized this is why Crowley stated: We are the secret of the world. He said this because very few enter into a unity with everything, knowing the eternal love, peace, and freedom of the Universe, of God. We must not keep the light to ourselves hidden but we are to share it with the world even when the world does not want to hear it. Even if the world hates us we must always due the will of the Most High and civilize the savages, each one of us must pick up the rod of Moses head into the wilderness and preach on. This is what the true civilizers did in ages now long almost forgotten and this is what civilizers must due now. The time of the devil is over so why is he still here? Because we are neglecting our duties as the royalty of this planet earth though its true name is Assiah (Asia).
Peace Always,
Abdul Batin Osman Bey
Copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016
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