It is true that we should look our best at all times, dress in the mode of modesty at all times but what is one persons best is not another's best. The word modesty is up to each and every individual to decide, people do not owe other people or have to live up to other peoples expectations. The only expectation you need to worry about is our Father-God Allah who has giving us free will, a path to Unity, and He will judge us according to His Divine Justice not by our petty superstitions that we may hold. Judging people by what they look like, skin tone, clothes, is no way to live your life. Noble Drew Ali was passed by when he stood on his crate proclaiming the Good News of Islam to those passing by. Out of the majority only a single woman stopped and received the Message while others walked on by. Why did they walk on by? They judged him by his skin, his clothes, and allowed that to stop them from receiving blessings and a path to Allah. Even still this did not bitter Noble Drew Ali in amy way because he knew Islam would soon in America become a dominant force, he knew the seeds he planted would grow and that people from every corner of the earth would come to the call of God so he prepared his early followers to not judge by looks. Instead one should study the person by watching them, listening to them, seeing if they are for the truth or not. No one can hide who they really are for very long.
It is also this teaching that is different than what this world is use to. This world is ungodly, this world wants you to be ungodly so that you can dwell in Hell with them. Misery loves company, according the most recent polls the United States isn't even in the top 10 nor the top 50 of the happiest people on earth. How can this be? With all the promises this country offers this should be paradise on earth so what happened? I'll tell you, empty promises may drew people in but they cannot sustain people for very long. The Devil will offer you anything to get you away from the right path but ounce the Devil has you then boom he turns on you quickly leaving you in a desolate place. America is the Desolate place spoken about in Scripture. This is why though we live among the walking dead we ourselves must not become dead we must be the bringers of life.
The first step towards accepting death over life is harshly judging others by what they appear to be. It doesn't matter what people appear to be they can appear to be rich or poor but if that's how you get to know people then you might as well jump in the fires now! The fire is all you get. If you judge by appearance then you will miss multiple paths that will lead to a better life for you and those around you. You may also hurt others without caring because of what people look like. Noble Drew Ali did not judge simply by appearance he studied them inside and out before he let thoughts of them creep in his mind. He knew the bad seeds from the good.
We who embrace Islam must change who we are inside and out before we can bring about the Kingdom of God on earth as we are meant to do. That is our sole purpose to bring about and guard our Heaven that is earth. Right now too many people are caught up in hell so the world is a hell for many people.
As you go about your business meeting people, seeing people, as you shop or do whatever it is you do when you look at people do not judge them. Try to keep away all negative thoughts that may enter remain a clear mind. You will see how simple life can be without the clutter of ugliness that this world wants you to be.
words and picture Copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016
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