Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Amalgamation: Not in our Science

 It may seem hard in todays world were mixed relationships are almost all but normal in our society but this doesn't make it right nor is it something that we should be getting involved in. As a young man I must admit that I like many other kids in my generation freely took pleasure in women of other cultures, races, ethnicities, without much regard for what we were doing. Most Europeans (so-called white people) freely mingled with Asiatic women (so-called black, brown, etc etc people) and the Asiatic men freely partook with European women. We all agreed that it was just a natural way of being and  along the way some babies were born from these various unions. None by me but by friends.  It wasn't until I met Rashad Bey and his teachings of Islam that would change my mind about these types of relationships.

 Rashad Bey use to always say: "Stop chasing women that don't belong to you, it's a foul thing". At first I thought it was a generation thing he was years and years older than me. Then he started laying down the degrees that came from the Moorish Science Temple he told me to read the Circle Seven which I did, I noticed in chapter XLVIII Noble Drew Ali writes "We, as a clean and pure nation descended from the inhabitants of Africa, do not desire to amalgamate or marry into the families of the pale skin nations of Europe". I naturally asked Rashad about that passage, he told me that if you embrace Islam you must live by Allah's laws not the whims of mankind, that the races can coexist but not mix. He then quoted the Qur'an 30:22: And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your tongues and colors. Surely there are signs in this for the learned. He then stressed that part of overcoming the lower self is not giving in to things that deviate from the will of God, that things have a purpose and meaning he then told me that we are to guard this purpose with our being if we are to uplift falling humanity. He told to to go through the scriptures and you will find the world of God speaking the same truth not just on this issue but on many others, for convenience I will stick to the topic at hand.

 One of the most noticeable group that stay away from mixing are the followers of the Prophet Zoroaster the Parsi. They state that mixing ethnicities, races, and religions would destroy the distinct identity of the different groups of mankind sinking the human family into oblivion. They also state that mixing causes a dilution of faith and weakening of cultural and spiritual bonds.

 The sentiments of the Parsi are alsothe sentiments of the Samaritans and the ancient Israelites according to Deut 23: 2: No one born of a forbidden marriage[a] nor any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord, not even in the tenth generation. Also in Deut 7:3-4:Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. It is interesting how some translate that the children of these unions are bastards meaning unwanted in Gods presence. Ezra speaks out against these unions in Ezra 9:1-2: After these things had been done, the officials approached me and said, “The people of Israel and the priests and the Levites have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands with their abominations, from the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites. For they have taken some of their daughters to be wives for themselves and for their sons, so that the holy race has mixed itself with the peoples of the lands. And in this faithlessness the hand of the officials and chief men has been foremost.”  It should also be noted that when Israel returned to the promise land after being exiled in Persia they could not take with them their foreign wives nor could they take the children that these bore them in order to restore the purity and sanctity of the Israelite people. As Israel is an example of how God wants all the nations and peoples to be like we are to take this same stance with our own people. 

 In more recent times Marcus Garvey was opposed to the mixing ideology of Du Boise who taught that mixing of all the peoples would produce a better "American Race". Garvey being a Godly man saw through this deception and spoke out against Du Boise and his insidious scheme stating: That amalgamation would not only destroy the Asiatic race but the European race and that by mixing we are not only doing a disservice to our own people but also to the true meaning of unity and brotherhood. By his own reasoning he concluded that it would lower the standard of manhood leading us to a downward spiral of depravity, losing all sense of civilization.

 I would like to add a quote by Martin Luther KIng "I want the white man to be my brother not my brother in law".

 Noble Drew Ali not only stated in the Circle Seven his dislike for mixing it is even recorded in his sayings " Don't let your brother marry a European woman" Another leader in the Moorish Community when asked about mixing has this to say: " It is in my opinion that every living male and female on earth should choose a mate within their race or national origin because the Great God of Divine Nature made enough for all".

 As brothers and sisters of the world we should heed what our Heavenly Father is telling us. It will not always be popular, it will not always be easy but we must do what we are called to do. I know some will roll the eyes and say whatever, or defend themselves by calling down the name of love or some other view that they use to hide the lust they feel. Or simply because they feel that those I quoted above are unworthy representations of the human condition, or basing your life on religious ideology is wrong but even scientists as reported in Time Magazine are now changing their ounce held belief that race and ethnicities as mere human constructs, many prove through genetics the race, culture, and ethnicity. If these were mere constructs this would be an impossibility. Though humans share a basic code that code is not set up in the same way, some scientists are saying that damage could be done to the human population of mixing continues for a long extended period of time especially on a mass scale. Evolution has a genetic component and it is the reason why some live in tribal societies while others live in settled societies. Everything from literacy rates to social behavior has a part to do with genetics proving that what these men above said, what the books said have a basis in reality and the Master of Reality is telling us not to mess around or we will suffer consequences. We can either heed or not heed, but this is why the Science of Islam teaches that Amalgamation is not proper in our civilization.

copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016

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