Friday, May 13, 2016

Epoch 5


I have just been informed by the talented and keeper of the Khidr Gnosis that we have entered into the fifth epoch as a community. For those who are unaware an epoch is a period of time where notable events happen. We are now in the Fifth period of time this means we have to get moving before this period passes us by. We must become the work we talk about, the ascension we crave in order to bring about the uplifting of humanity. So far we have done an alright job but now it's time to kick it up a notch to make our presence known not to the select few who happen to stumble upon us but to actively represent who we are out in the everyday world in which we live. To show people what our way of life is all about.

Do you even know what this movement is truly all about? What we are called to do? Or are you simply going through the motions to make yourself feel better? Just trying eek by focusing on your insignificance that you forgot all about your brother man? Don't you remember that What YOU DO FOR YOUR BROTHER MAN YOU DO UNTO ALLAH AND YOU DO TO YOURSELF. You can't be no better if your brothers and sisters are no better. You can't become spiritually higher if your brother and sister is still down in the muck. It doesn't work that way as you climb the ladder you must hep others to climb up with you. That is the beauty of our community that has love at its foundation but too many people skip the foundation misunderstanding the Koran and the overall teachings of the Prophet. That's not how it works.

 We are called to be Temple people because the Temple is the place where you learn these steps in proper context. In proper way of being at a proper measure of time. This is why so much misinformation is floating around too many people picking up materials without being shown how to properly use them because they refuse or don't know or don't care about the Temple and being a Temple person because Temple people have responsibilities that they feel are unneeded even though the Prophet put them in place for your benefit. If you can't make it to a Temple then you better find a Temple Person and have them teach you right and exact before you start following any willy nilly pinhead who might have no idea of how to obtain Self instead he's robbing you blind of YOURSELF.

 I digress, the fifth Epoch is special because it is the number of Justice. Justice is the very thing that people on this earth in this Babylon are crying out for and yet no one is giving it to them. Riots in the streets and people are just sipping Cream Cherry Pop saying "They Crazy" or "They uncivilized". Put down your Cream Cherry Pop and get showing the way. Justice for us is a divine command from God to us, a command meaning ounce you step into this Science, this way of life you better start being just to others as well as yourself before the Great and Terrible Day but let me add this to you if you can handle it that Great and Terrible Day is every second of your life right here right now. That's the simple fact.We are called to be Just, to be like Jesus whose name was Justice-Just-us.

Islam at its heart is about peace, equality, but these things can't exist without two crucial elements that is Love and Justice. The two are not exclusive they are the balance that holds all things together that will make it possible to enter the state of Beauty. Until we have Love and Justice for real without needing pieces of paper telling us how we should be justice, when laws are no longer needed because people will be so righteous that the ways of Allah will be as natural as breathing air, until then we will have wars and rumors of wars. Marcus Garvey said it, Noble Drew Ali said, Haile Selasseie I said it too, all righteousness repeats the same universal truth but for too long too many have paid lipped service without getting deep into the degrees, without what that Justice is or means.

It is hard to rise above even when you have been called to rise above but if you don't rise above think of how many people you will hinder from rising above. Moses couldn't help the European according to the Nation of Islam because he couldn't rise about his own down trodden self until he went back to Egypt to rise up the Moorish Hebrew Israelites out of the depth of muck they found themselves in.

Each and every single one of us is a Moses we only have to grab the reins and allow God to guide us in all matters without worry of anything that contradicts the purpose of our life which is the uplifting of our fellow humans.

If not now then when?

The new Dawn is approaching, will you be with the Will of the Almighty or will you be a stumbling block? The choice is always up to you.

Copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016

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