Monday, May 30, 2016

Anarchist City would be exploitive?

 I see on many chat forums and political websites the capitalists are trying to say that Anarchy would be more exploitive than Capitalism. This makes me laugh for a couple of reasons the first reason is whenever Capitalists go against Anarchists they always reveal that they do exploit and ruin peoples lives for money and power. They say that fools that will have no compassion for human lives nor have any value of the dollar would run businesses. These Capitalist reveal them and try to say Anarchy is something it is not. Anarchy has no reason to exploit because it is based on the premise that human life and dignity is more important than the almighty dollar. We Anarchists know the value of the dollar but that value is not worth putting our fellow mankind in slavery. The truth is money would be put into its proper place in an Anarchist society if such a society needed money. What threatens the Capitalist is that Anarchists are finding ways around the need for money and false power. People who uphold Capitalism are people who want to have power over other people for personal gain. An Anarchist wants to be equal with everybody knowing that personal happiness will be achieved when everyone is happy. Poverty will vanish because people will not take more than they need just because they can. The Capitalists know that there way of life is coming to an end though they desperately want to cling to it the only option humanity has is to adopt an Anarchist view for the preservation of humanity in the real sense.

 Certain aspects would have to be overcome in order for the Anarchist society to work and I am glad that many people inadvertently are taking steps in the right direction. The idea of white privilege must be done away with and will be done away with when no one is physically white of course the mindset may take some time due to the fact that those born with elitist minds may need to be weeded out whether by education or snipping of the balls so they cant breed. The way we think society has to be must be reconsidered, the way we see ourselves and the world must be rethought as well. I would also say we must take a step back from our current position in order to see if the road we are on is actually the right road not just for humanity but for animals as well. If we are to truly be a free society we must undo the Capitalist prison mentality that we are now currently living in.

The Capitalists cannot compete with what others and I are saying nor do they want it to happen. They want war, they want power, and they want to control the masses. I don’t think as many egotistical people have lived on earth nurtured by society than our time in history.
Topple Capitalism
Live Anarchy
Live Free

Ziggy says:(one of my black kittens): ;/`erty7  -

N©!Abdul Batin Bey 2016

Anarchist Morality

Some may argue that a society of Anarchists could never be sustained because it appears that those within the movement have an ever-shifting concept of moral law. This couldn’t be farther than the truth Anarchist have a very human view of morality namely that morals today may not be morals tomorrow and since humanity is forever growing and learning moral concepts must be able to adapt to these new understandings. Unlike other forms of society Anarchists are true students of both history and human nature whereas they have no misgivings of the constant flux of peoples notions of acceptability.

Having stated the above there have been some constants within Black Rose circles, which I will propose as the foundation (or guidelines) of the society that I believe can best, be applied to all forms of Anarchism.

1. Individuality- people within an anarchist society are responsible for themselves; they have full rights to there own person and can express themselves in and manner that they see fit. Providing that it does not interfere or harm another individual. Actions that violate the sovereignty of any individual are never accepted.
2. Logical Reason- Every aspect of Anarchism is based on a study of science, history, and human nature. Thus when an individual, group, or the society have to make a decision they do based on the logic of that decision. There are no voices calling down from the sky, or assumptions based on emotion. 
3. Usefulness or hurtfulness to society- every action is weighed out by how useful or hurtful it is to society. If it were hurtful then it would not be carried out. If it is useful them it will be implemented
4. Treat others and do onto others, as you would like to be treated or have done to you or your loved ones.

The last one may shock people but the majority of Anarchists actually do live by the Golden Rule in a very real way. As I have said before these are the four basic concepts that seem to transcend the lines within the divisions within the movement.

N©!Abdul Batin Bey 2016

Anarchism: A journey thus far

I am sure that I’m the millionth person to say that I first heard about Anarchy by way of Punk Rock music. It’s something that has become a bit of a cliché but like those millions of people that really is how I first heard about Anarchy at the young age of nine. At the time I didn’t grasp exactly what anarchy was about nor did I get why it was so edgy. I just knew that the word sounded cool and that my parents would give me a weird look while I sung “Anarchy in the U.K.” like so many others must have done before me. Like all those other kids I drew the infamous A and O symbol which means Anarchy is Order on all my note books and school books causing teachers to give me a strange look. Though at the time I thought I was being a pure individual is soon came into contact with other kids that were doing the same exact thing. So we “Little Anarchists” decided to hang out doing what we thought Anarchists did which was listen to loud music and piss people off. Even though we called ourselves Anarchist the notion was still vague.

I didn’t start taking politics seriously until my mid to late teens. I would say seventeen or eighteen up until then I was just a typical troubled youth doing all the typical “rebellious” things. One of the reasons I started to pay attention to politics is because I started to read religious scriptures with a more critical eye. I stopped seeing figures such as Moses, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad as purely spiritually minded people. They were political as well as spiritual for them both were one without separation. I now saw them for what they really were Revolutionaries human beings doing very antiauthority things. Leading people out of Egypt, Smashing idols, giving sermons about the Kingdom of God and achieving bliss without priests or Monolithic buildings. Ounce I saw these people in this way they became real to me not just imaginary people who may or may not have existed. These where people who were akin to the American founding Fathers who wanted to try to deal with human problems and societal issues in a very real way.

It was also around this time where I met a man who would deeply impact my life named Rashad Bey. He taught me Islamic Science as taught by the Moorish Science Temple of America. He gave me my first copy of the Holy Koran (a.k.a. Circle Seven Koran) along with books on American history and the dangers of White Supremacy Privilege. He also gave me lots of books on Native American culture as well as the Sayings of Noble Drew Ali. By studying, learning and growing I began to see society in a much different way. By undoing all that I have been taught by the oppressive school systems I began to look around my surroundings with a critical eye that I just didn’t have before. My friends also became students of Rashad and he dubbed us the “Elmwood Weirdo’s”.

In my curious nature I began to talk to people on a more deeper and intimate level. This is when I realized that most people question nothing and believing that in the end the government will uphold what’s best for the people. Though the American founding fathers would certainly disagree. So I set out to learn what made other people tick. I bought books on capitalism, Communism, Anarchism, and other forms of isms. Keeping in mind everything I learned it became more and more apparent that a society that upheld human dignity above materialism was the right choice to make. To me neither Capitalism nor Communism gives proper value to human life instead making individual human life worthless by either upholding the crowd above the individual or by placing material goods above everyone except the elite few. America for all its Freedoms gives none and gives virtually no value to human life. America has bought and sold the idea that things are better than humans, animals, and the earth itself.
Like my friends I started hanging out at punk shows meeting people weeding out those who claimed to be Anarchists and those who actually were anarchists. Many of them espousing there own philosophy on what Anarchy is or should be which will always be the case if Anarchy is to be realized. Though they may have differed in opinions over certain issues they all respected and loved one another at least the ones in Massachusetts did and still do. Before long I was running in the Boston underground circles along with Chaos magicians, other white people that were taught the Islamic Science (Moorish Orthodox Church), Atheists, Agnostics, varied forms of pagans, purely political, and others purely Utopian. All sharing the spark, the flame, the essence of true freedom to be what you are, as you are, without any outside force trying to decide what you should be. We had the ambition to change the world knowing that we can only change the world around our immediate area. We were and are practical living in a Capitalistic world but not being of it.

For me Anarchy is already a reality in may ways I have lived and live the Anarchists way of life which at its core is to use only what you need, help others, reject the need for false gross power, solve conflicts over tea, and allowing people to be human. That is a simplistic way of putting it but these are important steps to take in order to edge the earth in the right direction. The direction of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Serenity. Here I am roughly sixteen years later still waving the Black Flag.

N©!Abdul Batin Bey 2016

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Rise: A treaty on the mystical experience

 Though Hassan the second (PBUHM) the Ismaili leader of Alamut is by and large considered a heretic by the wider Islamic Community, and was murdered for his teachings this doesn't mean that nothing of value can't be gained. We of the Noble Sufi tradition understand the hidden meaning and deeply spiritual teaching that is underneath the veneer of heresy. Heresy to one group is an orthodox of another such is the way of history even if those who deem it as orthodoxy have to go underground or transform themselves into something new. In many cases this is what happens because nothing is without merit or meter for it's time and place.

 I cannot say what Hassan the second (PBUHM) actually thought while he proclaimed that the Day of Resurrection has come and that the laws are broken but I can assure you that he like so many other mystics before him were most likely misunderstood by those who upheld the religious dogma's of that time period and by those who wanted to rebel against such dogma's but were just waiting for an o.k. from somebody else so that they could feel blameless in the actions that they committed. Even though what we can learn? If you think nothing can be learned you are sadly mistaking.

In life only two types of people exist the first type are the slumbering dogs of dogma who merely go through the motions of ritual not because they believe in the ritual or because they think it enhances life but because they were told to do it by somebody who was told to do it by somebody and on and on it goes to the very firs somebody. This happens in every religious tradition. The second group of people are those who dare to follow the path of the prophets, gurus, teachers, what have you. It is these people who benefit greatly from the ritual, the chants, the prayers because they are not chained by them but freed by them due to the realization of what the rituals are actually doing. This is why they become enlightened filled with the treasures of paradise on earth. This is what religion (spirituality) is meant to do. It's suppose to bring you to higher levels of consciousness with new eyes to see and new ears to hear.The path is meant to bring you in union, contact with the Absolute of All.

In my opinion Hassan the second (PBUHM) had such an experience that for him the laws were lifted. This mystical experience is one that all truly devout mystics experience sooner or later. Life and Light unify into a complete whole and for as long as the experience lasts you are removed from the dogmas of your religion, path, creed, because you are taking direct orders or direction from the very source of it all. It is unfortunate that when many who are either in this state or trying to relate to others what had transpired many people take it the wrong way.

When one has a deeply moving experience they share it because it will in some way be magically passed on to those they tell forgetting the work they had to put in in order to gain such an insight. This may be the one flaw of many mystics because they forget that humans are only humans and tend to exploit or kill depending on the position they are in. This is why many who retain what most people are like obscure the meaning of the experience for the masses while keeping it between a close few that they deem can be trusted. Others will have to go through rituals and fasts before they can be privy to the golden information.

The Day of Resurrection can be looked at in two different ways, the first way is the orthodox way that states it will be a future event where you will be judged and either go up or down and possibly sideways as well.Or the esoteric way- that is the realization that you are one with the All, that you have gained new responsibilities (to help create paradise) here on earth. That God is both part of the universe while also being separated from its creation, that everything is connected and is One, and that they day of Judgement is an event that happening every second of your existence and you must bare the full weight of that judgement right here right now and if not fixed for the rest of eternity. This is the drawing near to God that so many desire but so few gain.

According to traditional understanding paradise is always what you can't have while you are on earth. Whatever you can't do now you'll be able to do whatever eludes you now you'll have plenty of then but what does God have to do with your wants and wills? The very things you desire have nothing to do with Him or His will because of these desires you are actually pulling away from God not drawing closer. You have taking the Allegories of various teachers and turned them into (at least in your mind) a sort of reality. Never stopping to think if that version of the end game even makes sense. Humans for the most part are too self-centered to really get what religion (spirituality) is actually teaching because they cover it with vain desires and the leaders of these movements go along with it because it keeps people in line and they feel a little bit of power and don't want to lose it. All that falls apart when a mystic comes in the room because the mystic has no choice but to pop your bubbles and say to you that these are keys to unlock doors not the final stage. So for Hassan the Second (PBUHM) the laws fell away and he embraces infinite possibilities. He was no longer himself but someone, something new.

This can also be seen in Sabbatai Zevi, and since he lived longer with and without his experience of Unity it is the most telling, through him we learn two very important lessons that go with the rapture. The first is that you can only transcend the rituals while you are in that state of God consciousness because God will not lead you astray and at those moments you are more or less a conduit to pass on a message from the universe to others mainly you need to understand the hidden meaning of what you are doing and to enjoy life. By rearranging customs or days while in this state you teaching people some lesson that they or the world needs to learn. The second thing we learn from the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi is the second you leave that state of consciousness you must return to the day to day rituals and holidays exactly the way you did before you had the exalted moment. In this way you will relearn the things you did that allowed you to draw closer to God and gain new insight into yourself and into the study of what it means when other people tell you what transpired. Many times those who had the experience don't remember much about it or are so enchanted by it they have a hard time being planted on the ground. Sabbatai Zevi was able to plant himself back on the ground because he would return to the normality of his life.

A third lesson but not always that case but seems to be the case with a few mystics including Sabbatai is the deep depression that comes from having these moments and having to become normal again. But even in that depression one can still gain new insights into what transpired and the day to day. In either case the day to day takes on new meaning and the mystic can nothing against God if they had a true experience but that is the standards by God not by human wants. This means that laws that people have added to the traditions they are part of will always be thrown away by the one who has achieved Unity with God and this is why many Prophets run afoul with those in power because anything that is contrary to what the Universal Ruler put forth will have no place in the new paradigm. It's not really a new paradigm but the paradigm that always was. The life of Jesus (PBUH) is a golden example of how he reinstated the true laws of God while tossing out the manmade laws but those in power and those who clung to dogma did what Jesus (PBUH) in reverse. They clung to the manmade while eschewing the laws that they were suppose to cling to. The same thing happens to this day so we have people living in centuries not one step closer to Truth that they were a million years ago.

The teachings of Noble Drew Ali are perfect for the mystic because Noble Drew Ali makes it known that is the basis of his teachings. First he reinstates what you lost mentally, physically, knowledge of self but then he gives you a book that has the keys to transcend all earthly bounds, rituals, and to have an experience of profound nature. This is why so many who take his teachings to heart end up being Sufi minded people because the very nature of His teachings is the very heart of all religious traditions. Peace with God and Peace with all of creation. Bare and open for all to see but even then some only get caught in the first few steps of what Noble Drew Ali taught but never going any further. His teachings if not understood would make heretics of us all but we are lucky to able to gain it in proper context mainly by reading the Holy Words of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic world.

At any rate remember that you are a seed of infinite possibility and nothing can limit you, destroy you, or distort you unless you allow it to do so. As a seed you are to grow into that which first planted you. If the world only understood then and only then would the first steps to world wide transformation occure, paradise on earth become manifest.

Copyright 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ancient Slavery, New Slavery, and White Supremacy

Whenever the subject of slavery comes up you always have some people saying things like "Everyone was a slave at one point" or "can't people just get over it?" The thing is I'm not sure if people really understand the two different types of slavery that existed and how vastly different the systems of slavery were. Most people just think slavery was a brutal institution that never changed but that's an erroneous idea that has been perpetuated by Hollywood movies. It is also done to help the egos of the predominate White Culture (if you call it that) we live in. Another words it helps White people to sort of play it off like Hey that's too bad and all but it wasn't all that bad right? Now I know some White people will roll the eyes and say it had nothing to do with them and they are tired of reading and hearing about slavery and other issues that White people did in the past. The problem is that type of attitude is part of the White problem because White people don't want to deal with the past or the present conditions that are a direct result of White Supremacist Culture that has grown only in the last few hundred years or so. The idea that you today are totally innocent of the past is laughable considering no other people on earth think that way.By not dealing with that past you are allowing White Supremacy to continue to rule wether your ancestors owned slaves, murdered, raped, committed atrocities is not the issue the issue is did they do anything to stop it? Or did they simply go along with it because hey those people are savages so who cares. White people have to collectively deal with the horrible crimes they committed in the past in order to pave the way for a better future.

Ancient Slavery
 The word slave comes from the Latin salavus a word that meant slavic people because the Romans found that the Eastern Europeans where better slaves than the Western Europeans due to the Eastern Europeans being more docile. The reality of slavery begins with the first civilizations that sprang up in both modern day Africa and Arabia as far back as we can trace civilization we can also trace slavery.

 In these ancient days say starting with Ancient Sumeria and Egypt up until the fall of the Roman Empire slavery was not based on race nor was it a lifelong occupation. Most people would be a slave for a set period of years anywhere from seven to 20 years on rather conservative estimation. After that period had passed the former slave would more or less join the family and in many instances would even inherit the titles, prestige, and the wealth of the former slave master over the former masters own biological children.

Ancient Slavery also paved the way for a person to become a citizen of the country that enslaved them and in many cases was a door way to get educated. As some historians say "the Jews didn't know much until they taking captive and brought to Babylon were they became scholars".

A key note of difference would also be the way these slaves worked sure they did the jobs that the other people didn't want but all indications show that the brutality that would come to define slavery under the "New Slavery" did not exist because the slaves were still looked at as humans not as animals. Slaves in the ancient world usually had nice clothes, well balanced meals, and regular breaks or downtime. The term that should be applied to Ancient Slavery should be more like indentured servant because that's what it was you would work for a payoff and that payoff would come in your lifetime.

Besides slavery not being a lifelong occupation it was never passed down in a hereditary way meaning children of slaves did not become slaves themselves. In just about every case the children of slaves would be either raised in the family of the Master or by a free person of kin.

This is only a short outline of Ancient Slavery and I tried to hit the main points that shows what Ancient Slavery was really like.

New Slavery

By the 1600s slavery had become a very lucrative business for both the Portuguese and the Arabs they were assisted by kingdoms such as Guinea, Senegambia. Places such as modern Angola and the Kongo used the slave trade to consolidate power and adopt the Christian (Catholic) religion. I would like to make a note that the Europeans did not venture far into Africa to procure slaves but instead relied on other tribes and African Kingdoms to supply them with slaves. The people handed over by these tribes and kingdoms were usually the undesirable people such as lawbreakers, disobedient slaves, and people accused of witchcraft. The idea that Europeans went in with clubs and captured Africans is a bit ridiculous when you consider how even the tribes of Africa were great warriors and would give the Europeans a run for their money.

It was during this time that both Arabs and Europeans started to look at slavery in a different light by referring to the slaves as Cattle, or inventing ideas that they were uneducated Savages as the basis for slavery. From the 1600s on slavery would be exclusively based on race and exclusively black only. Never again will you hear about white people being slaves except for a short time in the 1700s when the Arabs started to kidnap Southern Irish and Sicilians but was ended rather quickly.

The exact reasoning on why the Arabs and Europeans from this point on based slavery on race is a bit unclear and almost mirky. What we do know is that during the 1600s laws were passed to insure that not only was slavery to become only a back thing but a lifelong and hereditary thing as well.

These laws made it possible for the Slave Masters and regular free people to treat the slaves anyway they deem fit. Now many treated the slaves they bought rather well I mean when you buy a tool you don't abuse it you treat it with care. Remember Black Slaves under the New Slavery were viewed at as TOOLS or ANIMALS. Those who beat there slaves, rape them, or did whatever they wanted to them would do so unquestioned because they (the Blacks) were simply property. The treatment of African Slaves in this time period was the WORSE TREATMENT EVER IN THE HISORY OF SLAVERY. It was the most dehumanizing treatment that one could endure.

Another feature of the New Slavery was the taking of the name. In Ancient Slavery the slaves kept the identity of who they were. Often there name or a nickname would be giving to them in the language of the Slave Master but they were allowed to keep customs, religious beliefs, and even contact with family if it was possible. Under the New Slavery these slaves would be giving the name of the Master usually this showed that you belonged to the Master and were forbidden to speak your native language and practice your customs. Though many would under the guise of Christianity or in some instances Judaism or Islam the vast majority in a few short years lost all knowledge of who they were and where they came from except that they came from some distant place called Africa.

The longer slavery continued the more and more the Europeans (all Europeans Spanish included) became hardened and harsher and they found it easier and easier to justify there brutality by constantly referring to them as less than human. The few that stood up of the slaves were considered heretics and in many cases were subject to brutal consequences. This was another way to strengthen the idea that slavery and the treatment they received was normal.

During the New Slavery families were broken up and rival nations, tribes, were often forced to breed together. Again this was another new factor in slavery were even who you had children with was dictated by your Master and in some cases the Master would take it upon himself to "breed new labor" thus adding another level of confusion into the slave mix what to do with mixed children. That is how the one drop rule was applied as long as the child has at least 5% black blood the Master could stud as many children as he wanted without feeling any guilt that he was enslaving his own blood.

I would like to add as a side note that the term Mammie is a black slave women who raised the slave Masters children, even growing to love them and though the white kids may love her back they would make the excuse that Mammie was diffeernt while they continued business as usual.

It is in these years in these conditions that White Supremacy really was born and took shape. The idea of being White began at this period White Supremacy is a product of the 1600s and would continue until this present day with more and more justification until it amounted into WW2. Those who helped this White Supremacist worldview were not the slave Masters but those who did nothing to stop it, those who said "I'm just doing my job" or "it has nothing to do with me" were and are the biggest aids to the domination of White Supremacy. The denial that it existed or you shouldn't have to answer for what happened or is happening shows your true colors. Your denial exposes you as the true White Supremacist that you are and that's not an exaggeration. You deny it or shrug it off because deep down you benefit from the system and would not do anything to jeopardize your lofty place in that system even though everyone knows that system is falling apart. Denial or shrugging off the past is not an answer as long as you do that the alienation between both peoples will continue to grow and burst out in various criminal activity. White Supremacy is not only dragging down non-whites but its dragging down whites now as well but the majority of white people don't see it that way.

I have often thought that the subconscious reason why New Slavery took on this dimension of hatred is because deep down the Arabs, the Europeans, the whole world knows that they come from these "primitive" peoples. That all arts, philosophies, sciences, and civilization was birthed not by them but by these other people and it was really jealousy that spurred this level of dehumanization that became manifest in the New Slavery. That;s my speculation but its one I think deserves some close attention.

Copyright 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Friday, May 27, 2016

Wrongs of Kin

Many will say they agree
evil exists all around
yet they refuse to see
modern day evil came from the kin
of you and me
If we truly don't agree
with the crimes of the past
leading to the crimes of today
the we must take responsibility
in correcting the wrongs
the wrongs of our Kin

Copyright 2016 Abdul Batin Bey

Black Man father of Civilization by James Morris Webb (Book Review)

 If you enjoy reading books that are based on history and the Bible and is extremely methodic then you will enjoy this book. It traces human history from the Sons of Noah to the relative presnt day. With long detailed paragraphs he makes an argument that I don't believe any Biblical or Historic Scholar could refute his findings. The fact that many people from the time of this books publication tried to sapress it only proves that he was telling if not the exact truth then the closests thing to the truth that anyone in his time or since has gotting. Even his claim the "White People" never originated in Africa and did not start to go to Africa until the time of Abraham is supported with Biblical and Historical facts. James Morris Webb had a mind that was sharp and thought from every angle as if to already answer any argument that may have been brought to him before the argument was even made. 

 If you enjoy are interested in the thoughts behind the Garvey movent then you will love this book. (Warning: This book is not an easy read so be prepared to sit with it for awhile) I would like to thank Muhammad al-Ahari for bringing this book to my attention.

A Black Man will be the coming Universal King by James Morris Webb (Book Review)

Though this book is not as long as Black Man Father of Modern Civilization it is still metodic and purely Biblical based. Whether James Webb Morris new it or not but many of the passages and ideas he put forth would in some ways become reality in the Rastafari movement. Though Mr.Webb's focuses on the return of Jesus what I found interesting is that he had a picture of Emperor Haile Selassie I which someone wrote "Webb's Black Jesus" above it makes me wonder if he did not see his returned Christ in H.I.M. as so many others would. Great book, and a great read

Uplifting Falling Humanity (Originally published by the Moorish League)


 As I listened to the news on the radio hearing about the events that have been unfolding within the middle east and Africa I couldn’t help but feel saddened. Hear we are continuing to go around the same broken wheel. When are we going to learn that wars solve nothing? Wars can only create more hatred and more wars. Why do you think politicians love war? They love it because they are enemies of Peace, enemies of humanity and enemies of God. This is why we must stop looking for a political solution, a political savior; it’s never going to happen. We must join together as one community embracing each other regardless of differences in beliefs, color, and whatever else people use to divide. God has made us all in his image, and only he can judge us because it is from Him we come and to Him we return.

 We of the Monotheistic faiths have a common thread that binds us together. That silver cord has a name and that name is the prophet Abraham. It is from his vision of God that all three were birthed and sprung up. He shaped our very course with a simple call of One Aim, One Love, One God, One Destiny, which has been repeated down the line from his time until now. What would Abraham say if he was to walk among us right now? Would he approve of his children by blood and by adoption fighting among themselves like rats?  Do you think he would enjoy hearing his family slander one another? No, he would be mortified that the Unity he envisioned has caused so much pain and sorrow. We are to have no division among us. We are to settle our differences with kindness.  We are to “Love our neighbors” because our neighbors are our family, our us, and our images of the one who created us. Who dares to kill the All Mighty? Only the fools among the foolish, yet it’s going on right now everywhere you turn. People are convinced that this is the way it must be brainwashed by the White Horse they joyfully bath with the Red Horse then they wonder why the Black Horse is all they ever get. Wake up! It’s time to go back to the original call of Abraham and all the other prophets and friends of God. Unity in Oness. One People, One God, One Destiny, that should be our mantra instead of this us against them, the it’s all about ME mentality that the devil whispers into our ears and we think of ourselves as righteous. Stop living on the lower end of life move yourself into the higher end, the higher self, heal the world instead of shrugging and wallowing in its wounds.

 Many of us talk a good game about helping others but when you get down to it most of us do nothing about it. We are quick to condemn the world and point out all its flaws but we are slow in changing ourselves. Or we change ourselves and think that’s all you need to do and you do nothing to alleviate the wretchedness around you. Brothers and Sisters it time we stop waiting for someone else to come and save the day because that’s not going to happen. We must each put on the cloak of the teachings of our Lord and live out true submission, which is Peace. Lets stop saying when the prophet Jesus or the Mahdi or whomever comes then things will be good. If you’re doing that then you are missing the point. Jesus said: “What I have done you can do greater” this is him telling us to pick up where he left off, that was his way of saying pick up the mantle march to the way of Love, Truth, Peace, Equality and Justice. Take a stand and move forward. This is what the prophet Muhammad did, this is what Marcus Garvey did, Druze Ali did, and many others did. So why are we not doing this? Why are we not pushing the world towards the Garden, Towards Zion, Towards Nirvana, towards a better day for our children and future generations? The answer is simple we digressed, we allowed politics into our lives, into our minds and instead of being Holy which means to separate we became of the world. We have allowed pollution into our food, into our lungs, into every aspect of our very existence. Snap out of it! We have too little time to waste. Become the solution not the problem.

In the beginning: All people were of one Community it was only later that division came. Let us remember this and try to get back to this so that this current cycle of Death may end and be replaced by Life.

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cheer wine (a review)

When I first heard about this soft drink I was a bit skeptical I mean how could this be better than Cherry Cola? Being from Northern New England I’ve never even heard of this drink and now I had a friend from North Carolina ranting and raving about how good this drink is. Well, needless to say my wife ordered some and when I tried it I was very impressed. First off you have to be a cherry cola lover to enjoy this delicious elixir and don’t worry it doesn’t taste like cherry cough syrup but it actually taste like real cherry juice only carbonated. I couldn’t help but have a couple in a row one after the other. This will have your taste buds tingling for days and you’ll forget all about Cherry Cola and all those other syrupy imposters.
Note: This does not taste anything like Dr.Pepper so if you’ve heard it compared to Dr. Pepper I find that totally misleading since Cheer wine has much more flavor. 
So order a case and have a Cherry good time.  

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Hermetic look at Haile Selassie I

 My connection to Rastafari is pretty deep and strong though it came to me not through music but through two friends Beatz and Lady Lee both of them had a profound impact on my life. Just as profound as Rashid Bey when I was nineteen and was taught Islam. On the surface Islam and Rastafari seem like two complete different ends of the spectrum the reality couldn't be further from the truth. But this article is not going to compare and contrast I'll do that another time. In this article I want to explore the name of Haile Selassie I and it's implications.

 The monotheistic beliefs state that there is only one God they didn't make it up lots of people before Zoroaster and Abraham held these same views the difference is every so often people feel the need to divide God into sections. Christians have three while Kabbalists have a plethora of Holy Divisions. Because of this wars have broken out and misunderstanding has been happening for a few hundred years give or take. The basic problem about having dogma is that if it's rigidly right then everyone else must be rigidly wrong, right? No, not so.

 The reason I called this article taking a hermetic look at Haile Selassie I the God of the majority of Rasta, prophet to some, and simply an Ethiopian Emperor to the vast majority of the world. The name of Haile Selassie I means Power Of The Trinity. That is to say that his is blessed by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, through them he has the POWER to RULE over Ethiopia. That is the mainstream Ethiopian Orthodox view of his name but to Rastas it means more, it means that He was all three rolled into One. Thus Jesus might just be the Son of God but this man is God with all three aspects into One. He is Jesus and the Holy Spirit absorbed back into the singularity of Godhead. That's a very impressive resume and many people have a hard time understanding that concept. Even though it's one of the oldest concepts known to the human family.

 The great Thoth (to use his greek name) came up with a philosophy that we call Hermetic Philosophy. In short this philosophy is the real basis for every expression of spiritual, religious, Science, and of course philosophy that has come up in its wake. One of the key concepts is that even though people may see God as three or four or more that we must remember that in reality God is One. Everything proceeds from God and will eventually fold back into God. Though God is one some people can't comprehend that fact since we see a world of dualism all around us. All opposites are not opposites but merely the same thing, night is day, the moon is the sun, you are me and I am you etc etc but ultimately we are all an aspect of the Divine even though it is both in everything but also separate from its creation. I know it takes a while to wrap your head around it.

 So now you want to know what does this have to do with an Emperor? Again, the name of Haile Selassie I signifies three aspects of Godhead in Christian tradition, the Father- the Creator aspect-the Mind, the Son-the bringing forth or Word aspect-the thought, and the Holy Spirit-the mover-the body of the triad. The significance is though his name implies three He Haile Selassie I is one. He's actually proof of the Hermetic reality that though you may see God as three God is really one. The Emperor lived a very pious life and all who met said he had a certain way about him, almost magical but whether you believe he is God or not is not the point I'm trying to make. The point is if you take into account his name and the fact that he's a single person, if you want to understand the model of deity in hermetic philosophy that is one way to do it. Look at a picture and think to yourself he is a single person but he represents three and yet remains one, indivisible. That is the point I would like you to keep with you just because someone sees the Divine in multiple parts doesn't mean they are saying those parts are minor gods but they are different functions of the One God.

 I know it's circular thinking at its best but I hope it helped in some weird mystical way.

copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016


I am not against so-called white people
I am against the idea of whiteness
The concept of superiority and inferiority
The notion that color makes you better than another

Most don’t know that white is a lie
It doesn’t exist
It’s an abstract illusion handed down through generations
Most of us so-called whites weren’t originally white
Only recently allowed into the club
At a price
We had to give up our freedom
Our happiness

All divisions must end
We must become One
Before the divisions
Before the mess of today

Are we not all human?

Copyright Abdul Batin Bey July 15, 2013

Coffee Milk: New England Me

I am after all
A New Englander
The way I walk
The way I talk
Is pure New England

I am a product
Of the South Shore
Puritanical free
Is the way of the Irish Riviera

I am a Massachusite
Dry humor
The bridge between England and the States

I wouldn't trade places with anyone
Nor would I want to be from any other place
Too hot to touch summers
Too cold to stand winters
They all helped to make me, me

God bless New England
God bless the Common Wealth
God bless the Revolution
And God Bless Boston the true Capital of these United States

Copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016


Home of Hafez
Pools of water echoing
Off the bark of dense trees

I hear poets on the streets
Reciting versus from deep within
Fermented grapes fuels them
Smiling eyes roving

Unique scented flowers
Fill the crisp air
Valley of the Garden
Solar power fields
Cultural mix mash 

On top of the world
The sun feels different
Enriched with history
Even a pebble has a story

I stand beyond time
In a place without markers
Smiling faces everywhere you turn
Surely, the Angels live here

Copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016

Marcus Garvey: A new cycle of Time


The importance of one such as Marcus Garvey can hardly be understood in today’s world not because the things he said are now irrelevant. They can hardly be understood in today’s world because we are made not to understand the miracle of one such as Marcus Garvey. Pause and think about that think on the Miracle that was and is Marcus Garvey.

How many people understand the meaning of his middle name? It is a cross between two names or title’s; his middle name is Mosiah the name of Moses mixed with the title Messiah. That has always interested me because Moses if we read the Torah is a Messiah. He led the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt and eventually to the boarders of the promise land. It has interested me because his parents had the insight known or unknown to them at his birth that he too would be a redeemer leading his people towards the boarders of the promise land. The word Messiah means Anointed One surely when we read the Torah we understand that Moses was to a Messiah in the same manner so was Marcus Garvey.

As a side not the Book of Mormon has a book called Mosiah according to them two ancient Israelite Kings were named Mosiah as we know Israelite Kings were automatically Messiahs due to the anointing of God being placed on them. Without knowing it Joseph Smith was foretelling the coming of Mosiah duly named Marcus Garvey.

The mission of Marcus Garvey we to draw out the poison that had reached the mind of the Children of God the so-called Black Man who we know as the Asiatic Black Man. Marcus Garvey had to awaken in them to the realities of who they were and who the European so-called white man was/is. He did not have an easy job but a job he was ordained by God to do because it was giving to him by Allah through the power of the Holy Spirit through the lips of his parents. It was his missions to mobilize and industrialize his people into the modern age while at the same time show them the path towards whom they were.  

Marcus Garvey laid down the outline of the new consciousness that was needed for the survival of the Asiatic Man in the world of white supremacy that not only stole who they were but was systematically hunting them, killing them, treating them worse than dogs, worse than mules. Garvey was the one who got the ball rolling and everyone today regardless of color, ethnicity owes a great deal of thanks to him. As he was stirring the pot of racist America awakening the slumbering Mothers and Fathers of humanity he was also awakening the Children of these Mothers and Fathers and in both categories some latched on to the truth that he was putting down and started to spread the word.

The European had to wake up to the very fact that they had being disobedient children for the past four to five thousand years. That they were neither the center of the universe, nor the creators of civilization they were merely the renegade children that did not how to be proper because they would not take direction from the right sources. Marcus redeemed not just his own people but also those who understood the truth this is why we see some Europeans today latching on to the true Scientific teachings that all began with Marcus Mosiah Garvey.

Marcus Garvey shook up the tree so much that a devil came to oppose him in Du Boise. The teachings of Du Boise were in complete contradiction to Marcus Garvey and the laws of God. Du Boise believed in mix breeding in order to form a “new American race” even though Garvey was teaching against such doctrine knowing that would destroy the human family making them frail and weak and in many ways misguided because inside they will always have a feeling of not belonging to the very people who reared them. It was an abomination that many knew and know is wrong yet they go ahead and do it anyway. Mix breeding is a path to hell and Garvey knew this because he being a God fearing man knowing the scripture knew the curses that would unfold if the masses lived out the satanic teachings of Du Boise. We are seeing the devastation with our own eyes of what the teachings of Du Boise produces yet people are continuing to mix breed with misguided notions of varying degrees and they’ll do it while they speech of Marcus Garvey, ware T-Shirts of Marcus Garvey, Quote Marcus Garvey, Hail Marcus Garvey in public but in reality they are for the satanic ideas of Du Boise whose sole mission was to undermine the work of Garvey.

Lucky for us Allah had other planes and raised up from among the flock of Garvey those who would teach on. Arnold Joshua Ford, Athlyi Rogers, Master Fard Muhammad and Noble Drew Ali were all among the flock of Marcus Garvey and some of anointing were placed on them to continue his mighty mission.

Marcus had to get his people out of the negative muck that his people were stuck in and many followed and many resisted. Studying and living the teachings of Marcus Garvey who is more relevant today than ever can answer the answers to many of our problems but most people only see him as a footnote because that’s the way of this wicked world. The more people that awaking to the consciousness that Garvey laid down the more and more this world of deceit will fight because they don’t want Gods will on earth because they know they’ll have no place in that world, no power in that world, no control over people in that world. But they cannot stop what God himself has ordained.

At the moment Marcus Garvey came to realize himself he set off a new cycle of time that is continuing to this day. This cycle of awakening will continue until the kingdom of God is realized, all wickedness is destroyed. We must embrace this new cycle of time because the more you fight it the more cursed you’ll become.

Marcus Garvey had divine law on his side because he was a purified man, a clean consciousness just like those who came after him. Until we the world knows our respective places, our respective duties, and our respective territories remaining were we belong only then will we see each other and operate in the proper manner. Like Garvey said, “As long as the white and the black fight for the same job, same food, same land, peace will not come”. Indeed peace has yet to come because the world listens to the evil inclination above the true word of our Father-God, His Prophets, Messengers, and Angels.

Without Garvey none that came after him would have been possible because he was also the bell ringer calling out to those who would continue his mighty mission in the wilderness of North America.

Copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Driving round the streets of Persepolis

Part of my writings as a member of Islam must be to not just write funny or thought provoking sermons, articles, and poetry, but I also have be an example of Self Inquire meaning I have to live out what our doctrine teaches. Part of that teaching is to kill the devil, that is to kill the lower self. Everyday I must die to myself in order to become Born Again. This is not a one time thing but something everyone should do daily. It is the only way you will be to grow as an individual and as a collective if you fail to do this then you will never reach those higher planes of existence, you will be stuck in the quick sand until you are eventually buried in the real sense of the word.

 To start things off I am not what is called an original man. The original man is the Asiatic (So-called Black Man) they are Asiatic because that's where life and civilization comes from due to the fact that in that area at that time it held all the conditions for life, nutrition, and growth both physically and spiritually.
 According to our best scientist humans have been on earth for 200,000 years give or take and that number keeps getting pushed back the deeper we dig in the earth and find more fossils. The Chinese and those from that part of the earth are only 65,000 years old. The Europeans (so-called white man) is only 5,500 years old. This means that for the majority of human history this planet was dominated by dark skin people and all other people come from them not the other way around as some of tried to suggest. This means the Bible which places Adam roughly at this 5,000 mark could take on some pretty different tones when you look at the Science of the situation.
 You might be wondering why I'm mentioning how long the human race has been around and how it relates to my drive and thoughts of self. It's easy, when I examine myself the first thing I have to do is remind myself of my proper place in the human family. This automatically humbles me because when you study what time people arrived or were birthed on this planet you realize that Europeans are the last in line. That means we are the children of all that came before that always makes me think and keeps me from becoming a Big Head.
 With that comes the history that we Europeans have brought about in that time and that history is filled with bloodshed, wars, and though these existed before we did it seems that we took it to a whole new level. The natural nature of the European according the N.O.I. and 5%ers is Devil. This doesn't mean that others can't act devilish but it means that we Europeans are at home in it. Our nature is not the nature of the Original Man. It seems we didn't learn all our lessons when we should have.The European   embodies the Lower Self whereas the Original Man embodies the Higher Self. It is towards the Higher Ways that we must embrace. I go through all these thoughts to check myself in every way because you may not have been studying long enough to know that everything I'm writing has multiple meanings behind the simple text.
 Ounce I am in my proper place, my proper mindset, then I get to work at dying to self so that I may become reborn.

 Today I as drove down Route Born I was thinking about my own nature, impulses and culture and how I don't want to be what I am. I don't want to be this twisted individual, that I have to truly Learn to Love Instead of Hate and completely embrace every aspect of the teachings of the Beloved. I kept going over my mistakes, my failures as well as my strengths to see where I could become better and what I must cut out.
 Then I went South on Culture Born Justice, in this case I must overcome my natural Culture in order for Justice to be Born and flourish on this planet. As long as I remain with the others sharing in the twisted mentality I will never be able to move beyond my current frame of mind. Some people will have to go but also some attitudes that I been carrying around for too long got to go as well. They no longer serve the purpose of survival but instead have become a hinderance and a weight that has been carrying me down but I didn't observe that until today.
 I too exit God Born meaning if I obeyed the laws and Culture of Islam I will be reborn as a symbolic gesture to remind myself of the changes I need to do I have decided to eat a Buddha Bowl for every meal. Doing a symbolic gesture helps to cement the real change in life. Also, eating a Buddha Bowl is not my natural way of eating this also pushes me away from my natural state of being which is negative to a more positive.
 Born God brought me to Wisdom Freedom which confirmed what I just wrote that I must act wisely in order to be Free and find a place of equality on this Marble Cipher.
 I must lay the foundation with Knowledge and make the conscious decision to either Build or Destroy in all my interactions and dealings because if I don't chances are I will act too rash and lose all that I have gained in this life thus far.
 When I hit Culture Born Justice I was now heading North meaning I will have to power to resurrect the currently dead self, lower self into the realms of the higher self. With this knowledge a new understanding become born in my mind.
 In that state of Justice I was ready to face the day and the challenges that it brings as well as the pleasures. Since I went through the web of my mind clearing the clutter I was ready to live out my spring cleaning.
 Arriving home I felt cool and collected.
 This is just one example of self examination

Copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016

Splintering World

 Ever since the dawn of Babylonian civilization we have witnessed a world full of divisions and atrocities due partly because of the unbalanced nature of said society and of the mindset of greed in which this form of society needs in order to be sustained. It could be said that malevolent forces that seek to destroy the essence of mankind rather than preserve it rule our entire world. I say this because when we look around we see a world neither of Chaos nor of Order but a world of limbo, a world without actual direction, a world gathering energy for an implosion that may destroy everything that would allow a far distance species to know that we ever existed. Only in such a limbo can the devils prevail, in a world of Chaos devils cannot exist because they can’t get a foothold into the minds of people. Chaos takes away all manipulation leaving everyone bare to their very nature as soon as they are thought into existence. A world of order is a world ruled entire by benevolent beings who have shed all need of physical wants or desires in a true orderly world the devils no longer exist until then we are in a state of limbo. In a world of limbo it is easy for devils to manipulate people because it is a social structure based on smoke and mirrors and is a world where one must seek out there true inner self. A world of order one is never anything but one in mind, body, and spirit and creator. This limbo has people cut off from purpose and in this disconnect evil dwells and assumes power leading the uncultured further into nothingness.
As I listen to the radio hearing about this marble screaming out in pain my heart goes out to the world. While divisions are taking place, wars being planned and acted out, rape, murder, theft, injustice and many other crimes I think how far have we actually come. We have the sciences that are now shedding new light on nature and of course ourselves and we have various religious philosophies to guide us further into the future but we must cut off the wheat from the chaff. 
The demonic beings are trying to cause war between science and religion and currently it is winning because the masses remain deaf, dumb, and blind by materialistic way of life. If they took the time to study they would find that science and religious philosophy are one and the same in both essence and meaning. They both seek to understand the universe, the creator, and the nature of self and both have certain portions of the elephant trunk but none of them see the entire elephant. It is only when we merge them into a Religious or Spiritual Science does the entire picture appear and only then can humans move into a direction of true order or true chaos depending on what they may choose. Both science and religion in our current state suffer from dogma that prevents a true remerging of both fields. Over the years they have been at each others throats due to the arrogance that have entered into them. Both of them cling to old traditions instead of seeking unity of all things. We must always stand guard against these disturbers of evolution. As long as cling to divisions we will never move forward we will continually yield to the path of destruction. As the Middle East home of all civilization is tarring itself apart over sectarian differences that are forbidden by our Father God we must now make the choice more than ever as individuals and as a whole will we follow the path of nowhere or the path of the Garden. We must decide heaven or hell today not tomorrow because as we all know tomorrow never comes. Civilization was meant for all but as of right now very few people are truly civilized this is why Crowley stated: We are the secret of the world. He said this because very few enter into a unity with everything, knowing the eternal love, peace, and freedom of the Universe, of God. We must not keep the light to ourselves hidden but we are to share it with the world even when the world does not want to hear it. Even if the world hates us we must always due the will of the Most High and civilize the savages, each one of us must pick up the rod of Moses head into the wilderness and preach on. This is what the true civilizers did in ages now long almost forgotten and this is what civilizers must due now. The time of the devil is over so why is he still here? Because we are neglecting our duties as the royalty of this planet earth though its true name is Assiah (Asia). 

Peace Always, 
Abdul Batin Osman Bey

Copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016

Jazz Journey

Black cat, white shoes
Over the under I found my blues
Behind the alley
Deep down in the sewer of your love
NOW I’M only some one else
Deaths marching band is playing my tune
Negro sax player while some honkey crunes

A sudden hush settles the city
swooshing cars lull me to sleep
Blue dots fill the spaces that do not existyet they appear
Yet they appear

Don’t cry lady liberty you still have achance
To escape your prostitution to thecooperate world

Tomorrow’s children don’t even know that they’rebought and sold
No future unless your of the chosen few

Settle down pirate girl
You can have your wicked way with me
On your knees, if you only ever please
On clouds that burst forth golden coins
Chocolate dradles
Hurting valentines, cherry wines
Unleashes the smurf in me

Romany tango
Come solo
Heroine in my veins
Tobacco filling my lungs
Marijuana on my brain
Some girls’ pretty face going down for thethrill
I don’t even know her name
I’ll never know her game…name…lame

Is our lord pleased with our current frameof disease?
Our superior mind is inferior to all theanimals I know
Ramble I know
Beatniks seem to tell me so
Earth covered in snow
Sixty forth in a long line
Going no place soon
Checking out the cracks in the walls
Back in 1927 I was a man
Only 1,800 years old
My soul was that of a trillionare
The blues were rampant
Jazz filled the coffee halls
Charles Nimbus on bass
Ray Charles would rip me off in 1952
Don’t let the sun catch you crying
Don’t forget those white brits would rip meoff as well
In a round about way

Head resting on the table
Jail waiting for me
Just got busted at some old ladies door
Don’t even remember who I am no more

Tears fall on the pavement
No one cares
The sun is now setting behind those oldtrees
And I’m left high to wonder what’s next forme

Bright lights spin me out
Knock me down
Only jah can help me now
Bright lights knock me out
As I get pushed into the back seat
Still full of soul
Laughing at myself
How can this happen to me
Mr.Andews singing on the street corner
As I get taking away in New York rhythm tomy cell

Try wrapping your mind around a citadel
Boston cares not for that
But California loves that escape
So do I

Even when you’re a lone
I’ll still be there with you
In spirit as they say
Feel my presence
KNOW I am there
Know I am there

If my mother could see me now
In love with a woman that doesn’t know me
Kist calls me mate 1892
The more she watches me shower
The more she has me raped by those crimelovers
The more I need her

She gives me the look of love
Once a week
With a twinkle in her eye
She sets me lose out in space
Just when I reach three galaxies
My smile leaves my face
When I think
If only my mother could see me now

No one can see me now
I’m invisible
Left to die
Left to cry
Never to try
The things that set beyond my own reach
A prisoner of being insecure
My faults are many because I’m a human
And humans are the most dizzied beasts everto roam this world
Turn away
Turn away I must
Only I can set my soul free
Black cat
White shoes
Only one more place to fly

Words: Copyright Abdul Batin Bey 2016
Picture: Copyright Church of John Coltrane 2000